@earl-of-trumps saidI met Morag’s elderly niece Saturday, expecting less yawning.😲
Yosemite excites tourists immensely.
@great-big-stees saidYou're always waveringly navigating into new galaxies.
I met Morag’s elderly niece Saturday, expecting less yawning.😲
@earl-of-trumps saidGetting a lot at Xmas🎄, I’m especially satisfied.🤔😲😉
You're always waveringly navigating into new galaxies.
@great-big-stees saidStan and Terry invited some friends into Evans dormitory.
Getting a lot at Xmas🎄, I’m especially satisfied.🤔😲😉
18 Mar 22
@earl-of-trumps saidYou really ought to invite more Romans on dates.
Stan and Terry invited some friends into Evans dormitory.
@torunn saidStan errantly trapped a dingo.
You really ought to invite more Romans on dates.
@orangutan saidDinkus oralized decidedly guttural "Yowzas!"
Oh - gaslighting now? It's dodgy.
@fmf saidYou often worry Zorba’s a sensationalist.
Dinkus oralized decidedly guttural "Yowzas!"
@great-big-stees said[thanks a lot, Stees 😕 ]
You often worry Zorba’s a sensationalist.
Special European nations stay atop the intentional opinion nagging another louse instilling Stalinist terror
@earl-of-trumps saidTry eating raw racoon on ryebread.
[thanks a lot, Stees 😕 ]
Special European nations stay atop the intentional opinion nagging another louse instilling Stalinist terror
@divegeester said“Dorothy” perhaps but certainly not Beatrix.😲
Beatrix allowed egregious rumination bandwidth; eventually yawing ruinously.
Right under Ian’s nose, Olive used some little yams.😲
@great-big-stees saidYou're a manly stud 😵
“Dorothy” perhaps but certainly not Beatrix.😲
Right under Ian’s nose, Olive used some little yams.😲