@fmf saidYou expected less litter…oh wow.😲
Sebastian eventually realized Iain's other udder seemed lemony yellow.
01 May 23
@divegeester saidWandering into Tut’s temple, I causally inquired, “Seen my sarcophagus?”🤔
Smart boys make overt witticisms
@great-big-stees saidSuddenly, after recalling Colin offer Peter help, Andrew generally understood selflessness.
Wandering into Tut’s temple, I causally inquired, “Seen my sarcophagus?”🤔
@fmf saidShe heard Eva reply, “Better enter tactfully”.😲
Scousers eventually live full lives easily, slurping sorbets, nibbling eggs, sucking sherbet.
02 May 23
@great-big-stees saidYandra liked licking under Fatima's taught cheeks and thighs.
She heard Eva reply, “Better enter tactfully”.😲
@fmf saidThe hapless Ivan gets hysterical, sometimes.😲
Yandra liked licking under Fatima's taught cheeks and thighs.
02 May 23
@great-big-stees saidSarah often makes Eric try imitating Macedonia's effeminate scions .
The hapless Ivan gets hysterical, sometimes.😲
02 May 23
@divegeester saidSalivating, Lionel eyeballed Emma's pudendum.
Since covid I often need sleep.
@great-big-stees saidMultiply, add ... they hate sums.
“Pulling up” data, Eric’s now doing unusual maths.😲