That's right, dudes, this shall be, from now on, the exclusive thread for us, males, to talk about the things we care about and in our own voice, without worrying about girls' feelings or delicate ears.
I shall start with a topic that has been going around my mind for a long time, and I wanted to ask some of you, my fellow men, your opinion.
Here it goes:
Do you think the young Elvis is way more handsome than the older one?
Or, as I suspect, even the older, fat Elvis has the charm of his youth though the looks are different?
Thanks for participating, dudes.
Originally posted by CrowleyI like to wash up while the food's cooking. The kitchen is spotless before the food is dished out. You wouldn't even know there is a three course meal hidden between the fridge and the oven.
I love to cook and clean. Who else is with me?
I tell yer guys, I could teach women a thing or two! 😛
-Removed-Ok, I get it now. Carpets are for you "all-floor" rugs. Interesting.
Well, nobody has those here, not at least that I've seen. It's harder to clean and they gather smells.
Yeah, balconies are the same here, it's just that Helsinki is not the best place in the world to be in a balcony with a cocktail, tanning and watching people in a pool, lol 🙂
Here we put a glass to impede snow to get inside the balcony and to reduce the temperature. Then we have a couple of chairs and that's it. In my place the lady and I open the balcony glass a little bit and use it as an extra fridge 🙂 Fruits and veggies, as well as food in tupperwares, stays in good shape when in the balcony.
Edit. I see the dust part. The surface cleaning is to wipe here 🙂 By dust I mean to shake the carpets or to hang them and then hit them hard so the dust and particles fly away.
While we are on the subject ladies, I wouldn't dream of cleaning my house with such products derived from the torture of animals.
I use nothing but the freshest lemon juice to clean my net curtains, and for cleaning the toilet there is nothing better than plain old salt.
My house sparkles with righteousness and has a zesty tang too.
I must rush as I have a quiche in the oven.
Edit: removed the mean bit (they'll get theirs).
Originally posted by CrowleyCooking is a passion of mine, i even pretend it is a chore, so my other half can make it one of my duties.
I love to cook and clean. Who else is with me?
The fresh smell of garlic, or a freshly baked pie. Who needs air freshener, when you have these smells wafting through the house.