Wiki actually has a pretty good coriolis page. However, the best explanation I know is via a direct example. Recall your days on the merry-go-round. Imagine it spinning rapidly. Try to walk from the center to the outside without holding on to the rails. You will end up walking along an arc rather than a straight line.
Originally posted by MrHandA. Stumped. Unable to offer even a twenty five cent answer.
A: No. It was not upsidedown to begin with. I believe the question was ill-posed.
B: Do you think the coriolis effect can be observed by draining water?
Q. At what ages (in an industrialized society as opposed to a pristine
culture) does a child reach self awareness and self determination.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyA. When they're ready.
A. Stumped. Unable to offer even a twenty five cent answer.
Q. At what ages (in an industrialized society as opposed to a pristine
culture) does a child reach self awareness and self determination.
Q. Why do (most) women dislike having grey hair but like it on men?
Originally posted by catnap642A. Slam dunk decision... Invest it in a world class question on this general forum thread.
a) Because grey hair is better than no hair 😛
q) What would you do with a million dollars?
Q. Why is it that the human race experiences such great difficulty learning from history?
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyA: Because we are short sighted, foolish and remain driven by the same selfish desires.
A. Slam dunk decision... Invest it in a world class question on this general forum thread.
Q. Why is it that the human race experiences such great difficulty learning from history?
Q: Who's the baddest?
1) Most arguments are dominated by he who shouts loudest.
2) All people, at some point, have their rational side overcome by their emotional side. In general, most people have a low threshold for this which is evident in the phenomenon that you have asked about. Further, "mob posting" exacerbates this phenomenon.
Q: Chocolate or vanilla?