Originally posted by Great King RatThe courteous thing would be to provide a link 😛
William Peter Blatty of The Exorcist is dead at age 89.
If you've never seen The Exorcist 3, go and watch it. The "Hospital hallway scene" may be the best filmscene ever in the history of ever.
I've not seen the movie but YouTube is full of this scene in its "scariest movie moments" piece. It does little to move me though I must be honest.
Originally posted by Great King RatWhat scared me:
William Peter Blatty of The Exorcist is dead at age 89.
If you've never seen The Exorcist 3, go and watch it. The "Hospital hallway scene" may be the best filmscene ever in the history of ever.
Exorcist 1 (first time I watched it)
The Changeling
The Collosus of New York (when I was a kid)
The House on Haunted Hill (original version, again when I was a kid)
Blair Witch Project
Don't look Now
The Ring
Originally posted by divegeesterYou watched the scene out of context, possibly on your tablet, possibly while your kid is running around, possibly while your wife is on the phone talking to her mother, possibly while enjoying a cup of coffee on a possibly relaxed Friday evening and you feel that "it does little to move you" is a valid description of the scare-factor of this scene?
The courteous thing would be to provide a link 😛
I've not seen the movie but YouTube is full of this scene in its "scariest movie moments" piece. It does little to move me though I must be honest.
Kids these days...
Originally posted by divegeesterI am unfortunately no longer able to get scared from watching movies, but the Hospital hallway scene gave me the heebee-jeebies and the spider walk scene from the first Exorcist film (not included in the original release) as well, although I feel that scene shouldn't be part of the film.
What scared me:
Exorcist 1 (first time I watched it)
The Changeling
The Collosus of New York (when I was a kid)
The House on Haunted Hill (original version, again when I was a kid)
Blair Witch Project
Don't look Now
The Ring