And another thing... Budweiser have the guts to promote and sell their beer as a "premium" brand
back home in the UK - It's priced at more than the local stuff because it is seen as somehow
exotic?! not too sure about that one, but moving to the USA confirmed my suspicions about Bud -
There really are some good microbrewed beers here that never see the light of day on the other
side of the pond - Grrrr for the corporations I say,
The Critic
Since you brought it up, practically no commercialized American beer
would pass this test (Reinheitsgebot) nor would many from a number
of other countries. As I recall, the purity laws apply apply after brewing
as well which means no additives and that exludes anything expected
to have a long shelf life. Also notable is that there are exceptions
even in Germany, for example, Wiezen bier which is principally wheat
as opposed to barley and makes a very nice summer beer. I won't
comment on "barely worthy of human consumption" though I might
well share the same opinion. Suffice it to say that I have basically
given up drinking beer after returning State-side from living in Europe
for 11 years. Even the imports are suspect, taste-wise though
occasionally I will have a Corona in abject desperation.
I'm told that my nick is rather unique around here. Well, Rich is my
first name and Tiger is my favorite animal. I like cats in general and
big cats in particular, and tigers are the biggest of them all. Given the
opportunity to be any animal I chose, I would most definitely be a
tiger of some variety.
Like tenebr8, I use RichTiger nearly everywhere I go on the Internet.
It makes it really easy to remember my user name that way. :-)
Mustangace is simply the nick I used when I played The ZONE game
Fighter Ace, a WWII multi-player flight combat Internet game. I flew
for the US in a p51d Mustang and was an Ace several times over
under a prior nick, so when I started play again my new nick became
Mustangace. Not much of a story, but that's how my nick came
about... 🙂
Damn, and here I was thinking that you were a WW2 vet who had
flown P-51's over Europe and knocked down six or more enemy
fighters. Another illusion shattered😉 Oh well-- the most i can say for
myself is that I once piloted a Cessna high-wing for about 30 seconds,
while the actual pilot held his breath...
The Dark Squire
Was flipping through the channels this morning as I sit here and got
lucky..The Ninth Gate is on of course I am watching
that....but I saw another movie..."Tenebrae" starring John Saxon (who
was in Enter The Dragon with Bruce lee if my memory serves me) and
the info on it said it was some kind of thriller based a gory book.
Does this have anything to do with your nick?
Captain USA
It's very strange, but when I was 17 years old, flying was my passion.
I knew everything about every plane in the air, and was taking lessons
toward getting my pilot's license. Then college happened, and I
honestly believe that the over-use of certain... well, since this is a
family forum, let's just call them "substances that people shouldn't
mess around with"... I developed an amazing fear of heights, and my
dream of becoming a pilot pretty much went into the trash can. I
have made some progress on overcoming that fear, but not to the
extent that it would allow me to fly. This is one of the reasons that
part of the tattoo work on my body is a man with wings.
Army in '68, eh? I bet you have some stories to tell...