GB'S HOMESTEAD SPACE... 'Lamp Post Corner' Threads Within a Mother Thread During 2009
Thread #1
* Less Is More............. 27 Feb '09... (Topic suggested by Divegeester, page 1)
Less Is More
Divegeester's premise sounds plausible. Probably true in some instances but not others. Is it a synonym phrase for 'minimalist'?
* Less rather than more excessively rich foods?
* Concision... muscular rather than limp prose?
* A low rather than a high forum posting profile?
Appreciate your thoughts and examples.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThread #2
GB'S HOMESTEAD SPACE... 'Lamp Post Corner' Threads Within a Mother Thread During 2009
* Your Freedom of Speech.......... 27 Feb '09... (Topic suggested by Nordly's, page 1)
Your Freedom of Speech
Your freedom of speech gives you the awesome right to speak your mind and post whatever you would like (within RHP TOS Guidelines, of
course)... as long as all the content of your post is "... platitude-free, overgeneralisation-free, sexism-free and ageism-free." No exceptions.
With this thread I'm really looking forward to an exceptionally lively conversation loaded with wit, rapier ripostes and rip-roaring repartee.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI read the entire set to my children also and did a painting off the book jacket of the first book (sorry Garth Williams) to hang on the wall. I never dreamed I would one day stand in that little house which is located near Lake Pepin now along the interstate. Clarence's mom was born and raised on the shore of Lake Pepin, and we were having a sentimental journey looking up elderly relatives. Ate dinner in DeSmet on the same trip and visited the Surveyor's House where newlyweds Laura and Almanzo lived. Their larger house is a few blocks away. Saw "Pa" Ingall's tree claim....what is left of it. A relative we visited there said she used to walk by the Ingall's house in town on her way to school each day and see blind Mary sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. It was a special trip for me.
Ditto. During 2008 Mom read me her entire Laura Ingalls' "Little House on The Prairie" collection. My favorite character was her husband 'Manly'.