@ponderable saidThat doesn't really do him justice.
Michael Basman English Chess Master and writer, aged 76
Michael Basman, eternal champion of the unusual chess opening, is more like it.
Funnily enough, I only found out about this just now, because I was looking up unusual chess openings and noted that his Wikipedia page had changed from "is" to "was".
@gambrel saidMaybe it was like Tony Dow'sx death being prematurely reported
I checked Wikipedia states he was, and records Oct 28, 2022 as DOD
Maybe it was like Tony Dow'sx death being prematurely reported
that's what it was. Jerry is now officially dead.
30 Oct 22
Mevlüde Genc, aged 79
A woman of Turkish origin who lost two daughters two grand-daughters and a niece to a terror attack of some right win Germans in 1193 in Solingen.
She then decided to become a german citizen and fought against xenophobia. She was warded some prices herself and there is medal caryying her name.