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Notable death

Notable death


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Christo, 84 years old

made monumental art around the world



George Floyd ..murdered by Minneapolis policeman


Luce Douady, aged 16 one of the big new boulder talents

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Seems like Bob, the streetcat who* inspired the books (and the movie spin-off) has died aged 14.

* I know that some People might use "which" here but I talk About a Person 😉


Dame Vera Lynn, age 103.

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@drewnogal said
Dame Vera Lynn, age 103.
God Bless

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Willie Thorne (snooker player) Leukemia, aged 66😒


Sir Ian Holm (Actor) 1931 - 2020😒

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@hells-caretaker said
Sir Ian Holm (Actor) 1931 - 2020😒
He was a great actor.

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@ponderable said
Seems like Bob, the streetcat who* inspired the books (and the movie spin-off) has died aged 14.

* I know that some People might use "which" here but I talk About a Person 😉
Bob was a person, he deserves his place in the list. 🤗 That was a great movie, if somewhat selective of the books.


Carlos Ruiz Zafon (55) has died

I read his books on the Franco time in Barcelona (Cemetry of forgotten books), they are really worthwhile


@drewnogal said
Dame Vera Lynn, age 103.
My grandmother wanted to be a burlesque dancer at the Gaiety Theater in Cincinnati, Ohio but her beau discovered that she was auditioning one day and stopped all that. He found her on stage and pulled her off, with her screaming, “You can’t stop me! We’re not married. We’re not even engaged!” To which my grandpa, a vaudeville singer who knew too well the pitfalls of the stage life, replied very calmly, “We are now”

My grandpa adored my grandmother, and she knew it. When the film “Hello, Frisco, Hello” came out, my grandpa took her on a family date to see it...four babies including my dad in tow.

Alice Faye sang this song first, but Vera Lynn perfected it as a tribute to troops in WWII and Vera Lynn’s version was my grandparent’ favorite. When my grandpa was drafted, my dad was only two years old, but he remembered until the day he died, the tune, the words, and my grandpa’s voice as he sang this song to my grandmother before he left for boot camp.

Farewell, Dame Vera, your voice left a legacy of hope in dark days...”...you’ll never know...”


@ponderable said
Carlos Ruiz Zafon (55) has died

I read his books on the Franco time in Barcelona (Cemetry of forgotten books), they are really worthwhile
That is sad news. I love his books about the Cemetery of forgotten books, an amazing triology. 😢

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Very nice story, @Hakima. [thumb-up]


ozzy osbourne

my bad
still waiting
what keeps this guy alive?
find it and bottle it

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