The very painting Bob Ross painted in his very first half-hour show, Season 1, Episode 1, The Joy of Painting, can now be yours for the low, low price of $9.85 million.
@suzianne saidIt's very pretty, and I'm sure worth a great deal to some. I prefer Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, who's works have remained popular for over a century. I have a print of A Bold Bluff in my office. 🙂
The very painting Bob Ross painted in his very first half-hour show, Season 1, Episode 1, The Joy of Painting, can now be yours for the low, low price of $9.85 million.
i once painted a dali inspired protest against artificial intelligence
the liquid clock dripping from the trunk of a stick-legged elephant laughing at the sinking heart of a lion woke the populace inhabiting the AI video of an anime theft occurring during the new moon
they did not escape
humanity is clinging to the precipice of the turtle's carapace
@rookie54 saidNot to worry, it’s turtles all the way down. If you fall, the next one will catch you.
i once painted a dali inspired protest against artificial intelligence
the liquid clock dripping from the trunk of a stick-legged elephant laughing at the sinking heart of a lion woke the populace inhabiting the AI video of an anime theft occurring during the new moon
they did not escape
humanity is clinging to the precipice of the turtle's carapace
@suzianne saidYou won’t like me for saying this but I wouldn’t want it for free. He’s a sweet, gentle man and I know he’s loved by millions but his work is so stylised and repetitive. There’s nothin creative and new happening there. I honestly wonder how he can keep painting the same old stuff year after year. He could manage it with his eyes closed I’m sure. Doesn’t he ever get bored?
The very painting Bob Ross painted in his very first half-hour show, Season 1, Episode 1, The Joy of Painting, can now be yours for the low, low price of $9.85 million.
Oh dear, I see he died a while back. My friend watches his old programs nearly every day. She finds them very relaxing.
@drewnogal saidHis TV show was called The Joy of Painting. There was more there than salable artwork. He wanted to bring oil painting, specifically the joy of painting, to the masses.
You won’t like me for saying this but I wouldn’t want it for free. He’s a sweet, gentle man and I know he’s loved by millions but his work is so stylised and repetitive. There’s nothin creative and new happening there. I honestly wonder how he can keep painting the same old stuff year after year. He could manage it with his eyes closed I’m sure. Doesn’t he ever get bored?
...[text shortened]... ied a while back. My friend watches his old programs nearly every day. She finds them very relaxing.
Watch one episode. As you say, it doesn't matter which one. But if you don't get it, you don't get it. It's not for everyone, obviously.
@drewnogal saidHunter Biden, the son of the U.S. president, has been selling not-very-good paintings ~ at least to my way of thinking ~ for upwards of USD 500,000. If he runs for office one day, he might use as his slogan... "No more crystal meth; no more hookers and photos of my junk; just good governance."
You won’t like me for saying this but I wouldn’t want it for free. He’s a sweet, gentle man and I know he’s loved by millions but his work is so stylised and repetitive.
@suzianne saidOk I get it, so he chose to do something for others rather than pursue a lifelong journey as an artist. As I said, he seemed a sweet guy.
His TV show was called The Joy of Painting. There was more there than salable artwork. He wanted to bring oil painting, specifically the joy of painting, to the masses.
Watch one episode. As you say, it doesn't matter which one. But if you don't get it, you don't get it. It's not for everyone, obviously.
I studied fine art in my 20’s, had always spent hours drawing and painting from the age of 5. It all came to a halt in my 40’s when my kids were my priority. Now I have lots of time but I can’t recover that productive momentum I acquired at art school. I’d love to be back there but seem to have lost the drive to do it?
@fmf saidThank you, some of it looks very beautiful. I like the one of the bird and the wolf and Time Out has a stained glass window quality. There was a pic of him blowing paint across a page through a tube. Great that he’s found an alternative to snorting filthy chemicals.
Hunter Biden, the son of the U.S. president, has been selling not-very-good paintings ~ at least to my way of thinking ~ for upwards of USD 500,000. If he runs for office one day, he might use as his slogan... "No more crystal meth; no more hookers and photos of my junk; just good governance."