@mike69 saidAre you into Martial Arts?
I would have to say you would have to put an equally good black belt against them to truly test that person. The individual, their talent, abilities, along with mental strength and mindset on either side goes a long way. A brown belt to me is like a chess player between 1300-1400.
@fmf saidI boxed before I ever got involved in street fights Mr.-know-it-all!!! 😛 🙂
It triggered a premature ejaculation about his "street fighter" past. I imagine it blew over his keyboard rather than over his head.
I heard you were in Martial Arts. What belt and what Martial Art if true? 🙂
@fmf saidMt St Helens erupted and wiped out the largest population of sasquatch in North America. So don't let this happen to the orang pendek. Go out and save your forest cryptid.
This safety zone thing is still in force and the volcano continues to emit some ash and steam but it's not the talk of the town so much now. Just regular everyday active volcano goings on.