@fmf saidGiven the cesspool of what you call "good" threads, people might be forgiven for thinking some others might prefer to remain above the fray. Others might also be forgiven for thinking that more threads means more trash threads, and fewer threads means quality above quantity.
Maybe you should start a thread so we can see what kinds of threads you think are good. You've only started two threads in 2022 so far. That's two out of 450. People might be forgiven for thinking you are All Mouth and No Threads.
tl;dr: more threads in no way means better threads. In fact, most would say the opposite. More threads means less quality. Given the quality of posters who have the most threads, I'd say this bears out.
@shallow-blue saidBecause I couldn't go another second without your mediocre sour grapes comments.
What kept you from so refraining?
@ponderable saidIf you believe my threads are trash, I'm OK with that. For what it's worth, I don't see your threads in that way.
so you did 😉
Quite a move I have to concede.
@fmf saidThat is not what I wrote.
If you believe my threads are trash, I'm OK with that. For what it's worth, I don't see your threads in that way.
I referred to Thread 193971 established by you and called "Trash Thread".
In fact I think that quality is to be higher valued than quantity. And I will rather contribute to threads than to establish new ones.