15 Jul 22
@ponderable saidI see. OK, then.
That is not waht I wrote.
I referred to Thread 193971 established by you and called "Trash Thread".
In fact I think that quality is to be higher valued than quantity. And I will rather contribute to threads than to establish new ones.
15 Jul 22
@fmf saidGiven your animosity towards me over the years, this doesn't surprise me, but I'm afraid I'm not likely to consider this as anything approaching the truth, just the usual typical low-brow agita.
But you don't "remain above the fray". A lot of your posts ARE part of the cesspool factor here.
15 Jul 22
@ponderable saidGiven the environment, this is the intelligent choice.
That is not what I wrote.
I referred to Thread 193971 established by you and called "Trash Thread".
In fact I think that quality is to be higher valued than quantity. And I will rather contribute to threads than to establish new ones.