03 Mar 23
@the-gravedigger saidEat the rich. Then file down their snazzy cars and eat them too.
High end sports cars are now bought new by rich people who want to show off their wealth. Not by driving enthusiasts. These rich folks are more concerned about whether they can get their golf clubs in the boot (trunk) than steering feel.
03 Mar 23
@the-gravedigger saidIt appears we, together, are hatching a forward-looking political manifesto.
Eat the poor. There is more of them so you won't have to eat their bicycles.
@the-gravedigger saidHere is the hard truth, you both are out in your own little world. π π
Sounds good π
03 Mar 23
@very-rusty saidHear it,
Here it the hard truth, you both are out in your own little world. π π
Here is
03 Mar 23
@the-gravedigger saidYou know I'll be watching for your typing errors very closely now.
Hear it,
Here is
You are on the list, as the Ghoster would say!
@very-rusty saidYu aways hav dun π π
You know I'll be watching for your typing errors very closely now.
You are on the list, as the Ghoster would say!