@kevin-eleven saidThe stories coming out from her ex-staff members are disturbing.
I gather there are people on her staff (or formerly on her staff) who feel the same way.
Nothing to do with partisan politics.
Her happy cackling persona is a front for a mean, petty, tyrannical personality. An incompetent bungler that blames everyone below her for her mistakes and ineptitude.
@ponderable saidInteresting.
Can we just collect items without judging. Time will be the ultimate arbiter.
I predict that the German DAX will be lower on 31st of December 2022 than on 31st of dDecember 2021.
I predict oil will be over $100 a barrel and gold will be over $2000 oz.
@the-gravedigger saidPretty safe bet, they are almost there now.
I predict oil will be over $100 a barrel and gold will be over $2000 oz.
With Biden in charge there's no telling how high oil will go, $100/barrel seems very optimistic, it wouldn't surprise me if it hits twice that now that we're dependent on foreign oil and the suppliers know they are dealing with a weak old senile fool.
@very-rusty saidhow he copes with it
How can he be blamed one way or the other for the virus?
31 Dec 21
@badradger saidWhere, When, and between whom?
I predict a Riot
We all know that will happen somewhere.
31 Dec 21
@badradger saidJust how do you suggest he deals with something the Scientists can't control?
how he copes with it
@very-rusty saidThe Dems had no problem blaming Trump over it and crucifying him, why not Biden?
Just how do you suggest he deals with something the Scientists can't control?
(Who repeatedly promised he had a plan to stop the virus flat!)
@very-rusty saidMaybe, “Worry about what you have control over and not which you don’t” ?🤔
Just how do you suggest he deals with something the Scientists can't control?
@the-gravedigger saidThat seems to where it is heading if it keeps going.
I predict oil will be over $100 a barrel and gold will be over $2000 oz.