@kevin-eleven saidYou mean a democrat witch hunt.
Ron deSantis (Governor of Florida) will find himself embroiled in several lawsuits on Constitutional grounds, which will somewhat diminish his chances of being the Republican nominee for President in 2024.
@fmf saidThis to me is a fascinating topic from both economic and ideological standpoints.
Sentiment in Scotland will shift in 2023, due to Tory dysfunction and maleficence in London, such that a vote for independence will be more likely the next time the option is put to the vote.
Your prediction here has already happened with sentiment within voting eligible Scots shifting from 2014’s 10 point gap in favour of remaining in the UK to a 2 - 4 point gap still in favour of remaining in the UK. However this is reported with “don’t knows” excluded, whereas 2014’s number was the actual election outcome.
The factors impacting Scotland’s decision are even more complex than those impacting the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Economically speaking, opinion is mixed on wether Scotland would be better off, because the outcomes are so variable. Scotland’s oil and gas is predicted to run out/become unviable in a decade or so (without huge investment) and the cross boarder trading dynamic is much more perilous in terms of cost than it was for the UK leaving the EU.
Whilst joining the EU seems attractive to Scottish Europhiles, doing so could make Scotland worse of due to the way Scottish trade is currently divided. I.e. 60% of Scotland’s exports and imports are with the UK which would see an increased of 25% plus in border levies. Also Scotland (and the EU) would have to construct and pay for a hard border between Scotland and England. An economic Hadrian’s Wall maybe.
Ideologically Scotland would become a divided nation, suffering similar divisive strife which the UK experienced during the build up to Brexit. The population of Scotland is approx. 5.4M which is roughly the same as Greater Manchester and North Yorkshire combined, and it is arguable that the challenges that imposes on an ageing population which is statistically one of the most unhealthier in Europe would be immense from a health service perspective. Immigration to support the economy would need to be high and bring with it benefits and further socioeconomic challenges.
Having said that, as a believer in and supporter of national independence I think the Scots should be given an independence vote; as Nicola Sturgeon said “it is a once in a generational opportunity”, and it happened in 2014.
@divegeester saidToo many fake accusations have happened to take them seriously anymore.
Why is it when Republican leaders become entangled in legal problems of their own making, other Republicans call it a “witch hunt”?
The Democrat media and the public know that just spreading a lie will leave almost 50 percent of people believing the lie.
Many lies have been exposed and the time that went by left the revelation of the lie mute.
Read The boy who cried Wolf.
26 Dec 22
@very-rusty saidWho's your team?
That isn't a Prediction, that is just wishful thinking, people been saying that since last time they won in 1967. 🙂
I hear Halifax is still trying to get a team.
My team name would be Halifax Storm.
Any ideas on a team name since you live out there?
26 Dec 22
@booger saidHalifax Wanderers – Official site of the Halifaxhttps://hfxwanderersfc.canpl.ca
Who's your team?
I hear Halifax is still trying to get a team.
My team name would be Halifax Storm.
Any ideas on a team name since you live out there?
A new chapter begins. As we begin the final month of 2022, we're flipping the page to our upcoming season.
@booger saidHabs since back when there were 6 Teams! 🙂
You don't have a favorite NHL team?