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Presidential elections in Mexico Jul-02

Presidential elections in Mexico Jul-02


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Originally posted by Seitse
Oh, there are days when it is depressing to live in a developing country. Because of the overdeveloped bureaucracy. Inter alia.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Oh, there are days when it is depressing to live in a developing country. Because of the overdeveloped bureaucracy. Inter alia.
I feel 'developing country' is a very dubious term for a reality which is far beyond from 'developing', at least for my country. It really breaks your heart, indeed.

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Originally posted by Seitse
I feel 'developing country' is a very dubious term for a reality which is far beyond from 'developing', at least for my country. It really breaks your heart, indeed.
On the balance, you seem to have more to be depressed about than me. Mexico sounds as badly off as Pakistan (talking about vested interests in keeping the status quo).

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
On the balance, you seem to have more to be depressed about than me. Mexico sounds as badly off as Pakistan (talking about vested interests in keeping the status quo).
Yup, and it hurts way more because you see both ends of the line: On the one hand, the world's 3rd richest man and a bunch of families in the Forbes' list... you go to parts of the country where you feel like in Monaco (independently from the heavily armed bodyguards and the barbed wire around the mansions) and others where you are really, really in Bangladesh.

Edit. With all due respect for Bangladesh.

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Originally posted by Seitse
Not at all, the right wingers are heavily funded and supported by the small bunch of zillionaires the country has (typical of the colonial third world). It is hard to beat them with 24/7 TV support they have, plus taking into account the conditions of ignorance and postration in which the majority is, mainly in the center and south of the country.

the left ...[text shortened]... es. Northern Mexico is NOT Mexico. Go south and see exploitation and misery, Africa-like.
That's right. The States of Tabasco, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, are a disgrace. Viva Teniente Marcos. The juniors. You forgot to mention that they think Rebalde is the next best thing to fresh baked tortillas.

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My dear friend SEITSE, first of all I live in monterrey but I was not born there, I was born in the beautiful Mexico City and I have lived in queretaro, guadalajara, little jump and at this moment in monterrey. ( that does not depend on me ).

I agree that Monterrey does not reflect the true reality of the country, but only criticizing is useless. If you really want helping your country you would be here, but instead of, your complaining at another side for comfort.

Second if you would have taken notice of my post in my self proclaim title says AMLO RULES, that means that I back up Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ( Left-wing political party ).

Changing theme, I am very awestruck for the fact that "EL PAN" ( extremist right-wing politycal party ) is ahead for one percentage point, which is according to what's hoped-for, it makes me think about the damned corruption!!!!!!!!!!!

I read your POSTS and you have good ideas, you have reason in than "EL PRD" ( party of democratic revolution, Left-wing political party ) fight with so little money, against a campaign of loss of prestige on the side of the companies and of the very Government, but most of all they fight the ignorance of our country.

At this moment there are not enough of telling 2,50 % of the total votes and the difference is closed down. And I am hoping that something happen in the score. I am willing to go to the streets if Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador asks us for him, because this cannot remain.

For the well-being of all, first the poor. ( Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador quote )

Best regards.


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Originally posted by reader1107
Yeah, if I were a president I would be embarrassed if people were willing to die for the opportunity to leave my country.

So who won the election?
According to the LA Times, they both did.

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y'all need to move all the government records to linux and put them on the web. maybe it would make things more transparent.

good luck with the elections, hope it works out.

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Originally posted by GOGITOTX
My dear friend SEITSE, first of all I live in monterrey but I was not born there, I was born in the beautiful Mexico City and I have lived in queretaro, guadalajara, little jump and at this moment in monterrey. ( that does not depend on me ).

I agree that Monterrey does not reflect the true reality of the country, but only criticizing is useless. If yo ...[text shortened]... of all, first the poor. ( Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador quote )

Best regards.

I agree with your vote for the PRD. I was just in Mexico, so I got quite a variety of opinions from the people there, and I must say that he sounds the least corrupt (he might even be honest). Though Vicente Fox, being of the far right, dislikes him and even lied about Mexico City being more dangerous than it really is. By the way, what do you think of the teachers' strikes in Oaxaca?

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Good thing the US Presidential election never turned into a dog and pony show.

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Originally posted by GOGITOTX
My dear friend SEITSE, first of all I live in monterrey but I was not born there, I was born in the beautiful Mexico City and I have lived in queretaro, guadalajara, little jump and at this moment in monterrey. ( that does not depend on me ).

I agree that Monterrey does not reflect the true reality of the country, but only criticizing is useless. If yo of all, first the poor. ( Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador quote )

Best regards.

No, me cansé de luchar por un país corrupto donde mucha gente es cobarde y prefiere la comodidad en lugar de defender a los que menos tienen. También viví en la Ciudad de México y en Monterrey, hasta que decidí largarme del país y seguir luchando con lo mejor que sé hacer, que es escribiendo desde los periódicos.


No, I grew tired of fighting for a corrupt country where so many people are cowards and prefer comfort instead of defending the poor ones (which are majority). I also lived in Mexico City and Monterrey (actually almost all my life) until I decided to leave the country and continue the struggle with I think it's the best I can do, which is writing in newspapers.

Posdata 1. Sí, a huevo, yo estoy demasiado lejos para ir a la calle, pero mi pluma está al servicio de Andrés Manuel. ¡No nos la van a robar esta vez como en 1988!

Posdata 2. People in Monterrey sucks. How can you live there if they hate YOU for being a 'chilango'? Pinches regios, shallow and catholic fundamentalists! 😠

Posdata 3. 'Little jump'?!?! LOL!!! Yeah, you do live in Monterrey or near; nowhere else Saltillo is called that way. 🙂

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Originally posted by slimjim
That's right. The States of Tabasco, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, are a disgrace. Viva Teniente Marcos. The juniors. You forgot to mention that they think Rebalde is the next best thing to fresh baked tortillas.
Yeah! You are absolutely right, slim!

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
y'all need to move all the government records to linux and put them on the web. maybe it would make things more transparent.

good luck with the elections, hope it works out.
In mexico you can follow the election in a "transparent" way, but the problem its that the long corrupcy history make us belive that they are liyng even if they are not.

The page if you interested is.

You have to lynk to a external source and you cant check almost vote by vote. 😛

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Just for and early update:

The difference between the two political partys its ,64 %, with almost 11 184 refused for "inconsistencies" and plus 800000 for "errors of the voting people".

and this is form a journal in mexico city (for those who hate corrupcy), im going to tranlate in my personal translator beacuse its a lot, anyway for those interested this is the lynk:


A resume its that are 3 million of votes missing!!!!!! if you can read its very interesting.

Im so upset!!!!!! 🙁

This is the text tranlated spanish-english by Word magic software😛

The number represents 1,04 %'s advantage, however, the data of the PRE-P each party, more show an inconsistency when the total number of votes cast do not agree with the suffrages that you have the ones that were emitted for the not inspected candidates and the ones that canceled out.

Of agreement with the PRE-P, voted 58,90 % of 71 million 350 thousand 976 citizens with the right to defray, than translated in figures, the participation of 42 million means 025 thousand 724 people, however the sum of all the votes than once the games were assigned to, for the not inspected candidates and the cancelled you are of 38 million 549 thousand 351. This means that they are absent in the PRE-P 3 million 476 thousand 373 votes that should show reflected in benefit of any one of the political parties, in the null ballot papers or in the not inspected candidates. However, they do not appear.

In addition, like only computed him 98,45 % of the over 130 thousand pigeonholes that were installed, that were left without entering in books 1,55 % of minutes, which, making out of an average 450 votes for pigeonhole, it would mean that an average of 697 thousand did not include in bookkeeping, for nobody, 500 votes itself – according to the IFE -.

If it is drunk like parameter that they were once 130 thousand pigeonholes were installed, the 1,55 % that did not enter in books itself represents 1.550 pigeonholes. According to the IFE's officials, you should take a stocking of 450 votes for pigeonhole, although in some the number can be a lot of principal or minor, depending on the locality that you extend throughout each pigeonhole.

Of the multiplication of the 1.550 pigeonholes than the the PRE-P did not include, for the 450 votes estimated by the very IFE, a total of 697 thousand proves to be 500 votes that were not disregarded for the final bookkeeping of the closing of the PRE-P.

All in all we have to add than the minutes that yield the voting power for pigeonhole with them than the the PRE-P registered and that they should have the same data, they do not coincide, according to yielded the representative of the coalition For The Sake Of all, Horacio Duarte, who to the afternoon of this Monday found differences in 15 % of the total that he manifested of minutes the PRE-P.

For this reason it is that they have decided that vote for vote will be told. ".

Best regard


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