@blackpoolmad saidWe completed the series this evening. Thoroughly enjoyable, thank you for the recommendation.
Anyone watching it?
Binge watched the first 3 last night.
Quite interesting so far.
@blackpoolmad saidwatched the whole thing over the last three days
Anyone watching it?
Binge watched the first 3 last night.
Quite interesting so far.
i do not know why
@rookie54 saidThree episodes in and completely captivated by it.
watched the whole thing over the last three days
i do not know why
@suzianne saidOzark? Holy cow!
When so many of my clan members recommend something I cannot just ignore it any longer. I'll start watching this sometime this week.
My TV time has been less lately, but I've been keeping up with Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
STILL waiting on Season 4 of Ozark.
I'd completely forgotten about that.
My wife watched it completely. She gushed.
I left off at episode 4 of Season 1. I'm sure to pick it back up again now. Especially because I don't want to be further behind when Season 4 hits.
Thanks Suzianne. 🙂
Finished watching this last weekend. Pretty good, never lags.
The series intelligently discusses chess (like chess openings, figures like Morphy, etc.) and doesn't seem like it's posing. The drama is never actually on the board, it's in the reactions of the players and spectators; the camera usually only glances at the chess pieces for no more than a second or two at time. This is probably for the best, since this approach doesn't alienate non-chess players.
I liked the actress, who convincingly played the main character at different ages, from 15 to early 20s. The character was a lot like Fischer, sharing a lot of socially awkward traits, an ego that enjoys crushing other players and a very direct way of speaking in a way that sometimes lacks tact or politeness. It's a treat to see her evolve into a more human person as she goes through trials in her life.
I also appreciated that this series avoided having stereotypical villains. Her antagonists are mostly people who just want to win as bad as she does, which was a good choice. It was nice to see cold-war era Russians not portrayed as Bond villains but as actual human beings, some of whom appreciate well-played chess games even if they lose.
I recommend this not so much as a "chess movie" but as a good drama.
@blackpoolmad saidI agree, I immediately thought of Rocky 4 as well.
You've just ruined it for everyone.
However, it was a very predictable ending. Reminded me of the far fetched Rocky film when he went to Russia and all the Russians were singing for Rocky to win. About as realistic as the KKK leader kneeling for BLM.
The show started by having small groups of Russian women admiring her; I assumed this was due to the sexism of 60s and the women finding a hero in a woman succeeding in a Male-dominated game. I was fine with this; but when they pulled a Rocky where it seemed *every* Russian cheered for her, that was pretty silly.
@russ saidHeard somewhere that chess.com Said they’ve had an extra half million new accounts created since its release. Notice any unusually high new accounts being created recently yourself?
I'm sure it has been impossible to not notice (it's everywhere), but this series is creating quite a buzz online about chess suddenly, so if anyone now has chess-curious friends as a result, please let them know about RHP (or DailyChess.com if you prefer). Thanks!
@trev33 saidHalf a million fewer than there should have been! 🥲
Heard somewhere that chess.com Said they’ve had an extra half million new accounts created since its release. Notice any unusually high new accounts being created recently yourself?
It appears to have prompted people to return to chess - old accounts resumed, or old players returning. So a positive effect, but just a ripple really. (That 'other' site has a vast Google presence, so will be the arrival point for many new curious players, unfortunately. )