G Great Big Stees Master of the sentence ending triple emoji 😉🤔😁
G Gagarin, Yuri First man in earth orbit.
G Ghost of a Duke 🫤
H Harthacnut - my very first chess opponent on RHP when I joined as 'lolof' in 2007, I lost the game on time-out, I was paralyzed from fear, I was losing. 🙂
H Heaven Can wait…
Overlook Hotel
@divegeester said H Heaven Can wait…
H Hall {Kingdom. Support your local coven.}
H Holly
Halifax, Nova Scotia
H Haploid A cell with a single set of chromosomes
H Hapless A person with not quite all of their needed chromosomes
H Hopless {advice given by doctor to man with 2 broken legs.}
H Hipless {A person who has donated both hips so 2 people can have a hip replacement}
I Internet As in: “internet avatar site”
I Inveterate Note: an inveterate liar is worse than the common or garden variety.
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