Overlook Hotel
F Felipe {Portuguese spelling of the name Felipe}
G General Forum THE PLACE TO BE!
G Gerrymandering {Manipulating the outcome of an election}
G Gerry Anderson Puppet master and chief string puller
G Gosh 😲
@divegeester said G Gerry Anderson Puppet master and chief string puller
H Happy
Halifax, Nova Scotia
H Happy, Healthy. Have a Happy Healthy New Year! -VR
H Historyectomy A surgical procedure to remove, metaphorically speaking, the uterus from which the study of past events, particularly in human affairs, is born
H Hips Note: usually comes fourth on the list of things men watch for after breasts, face, and bum.
I Indisibihition Note: different from disinhibition
I Irksome As in: "He called the tsunami ~ that killed over 3,000 people ~ irksome, which I think is an understatement."
I Indonesia Phil
I Incandescent {A thoughtless chump who gets enraged and makes a fool of himself.}
I Illustrious Definition: not lustrious
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