@the-gravedigger saidM
Munster Herman {Serial killer who terrorised Southern Ireland in the 1950's. Nicknamed Herman Munster he was never caught.}
As in: "Actually, maybe he turned up on the Spirituality Forum recently."
@divegeester saidN
A man who liked hats.
Napoleon Complex: When Shorter Men Take More
"Inspired by an evolutionary psychological perspective on the Napoleon complex, we hypothesized that shorter males are more likely to show indirect aggression in resource competitions with taller males. Three studies provide support for our interpretation of the Napoleon complex. Our pilot study shows that men (but not women) keep more resources for themselves when they feel small. When paired with a taller male opponent (Study 1), shorter men keep more resources to themselves in a game in which they have all the power (dictator game) versus a game in which the opponent also has some power (ultimatum game). Furthermore, shorter men are not more likely to show direct, physical aggression toward a taller opponent (Study 2). As predicted by the Napoleon complex, we conclude that (relatively) shorter men show greater behavioral flexibility in securing resources when presented with cues that they are physically less competitive. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed."
How tall are you, @divegeester?
@the-gravedigger saidThe 'scoffers' mentioned in previous posts by you about the end times are not Nephilim.
Nephilim {A mysterious group of beings mentioned frequently in the Bible. Descendants of Seth and Cain, the righteous and wicked sons of Adam. Known for their small stature they spent their time as scoffers and became known as 'The Scoffers.' A sort of brattish Hebrew boy band if you like.}
Of course I don't know what @divegeester looks like, either. I suppose there might be an outside chance that... nah, nevermind.