Halifax, Nova Scotia
@the-gravedigger said E Enrage {see Duchess64}
E @Executioner-Brand AKA: Executioner Banned
@divegeester said E @Executioner-Brand AKA: Executioner Banned
E Egg As in “egg on face”
@divegeester said E Egg As in “egg on face”
Overlook Hotel
@very-rusty said E....Evil (See The-Gravedigger) 😛 🙂 -VR
F Flatlined
@divegeester said F Flatlined
G Good As in “good fun”
G Gears As in “grinded”
@divegeester said G Gears As in “grinded”
H Hard As in “trying too hard”
@divegeester said H Hard As in “trying too hard”
I Irritated
@divegeester said I Irritated
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