Overlook Hotel
@divegeester said X X-rated
Y Yeast See also: Marmite
Z Zealot {a person who is fanatical, relentless and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.}
Z Zeitgeist {get with the.........}
Z Zugzwang {one player is put at a disadvantage because of their obligation to make a thumb}
Z Zeitgeist
Z Zip As in Zip drive
Z Zip {up your leather jacket when you are riding a big hog}
Z Zizou Verb, transistive To deliver a headbutt to someone's chest.
Zzzzzzzz.....Feeling a bit sleepy.
A Again
A Allo Allo
A A As in “a”
B Boring😴
C Count As in “900”
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