Stripped. As in he was stripped of his medals.
Ludicrous As in he made ludicrous claims about being superior to others but only drugs to back it up.
N Naughty As in a naughty word by automod.
N Not As in “not long till you’re banned again”
J Jotted He jotted down tropical sweaty boy and stored it in a safe folder next to indonesia smells.
S Sad As in where a person takes valor in the abuse of other humans.
@tropicalsweatyboy said S Sad As in where a person takes valor in the abuse of other humans.
Overlook Hotel
T Terminate {with extreme prejudice}
T Time As in Pink Floyd - Time YouTube
U Unveiled Raj unveiled many unknowns, but very few were found to be true but simply put were great leaps of faith into the blackness.
V Veins His veins were pumping after the result of a good nights sleep.
William AS in Prince William, soon to be King!
W Weekend As in “the weekend is over”
W Weakend As in: "I atesome dodgyegg andnowI seem tohavea weakend."
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