G Great As in: "It was great how his son made a few chess moves for his father while he was undergoing his brain transplant."
H Hubris As in: "He had an extreme and unreasonable feeling of pride and confidence in himself but I wouldn't go so far as to say it was hubris."
I Investigation As in: "Russ announced an investigation into NDEs on the forums."
J Jactitations As in: "He used the word jactitations three times ~ and I don't know what it means ~ but I think our conversation went OK regardless."
K Keratoplasty As in: "Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the word keratoplasty: he directly asked me if I knew what it meant, so I was cornered."
L Lampoon As in “much of the posting was lampooning him, but he saw it as something else, something sinister. Ironically this brought on more lampooning”
L Lemons You're all a bunch of lemons
@a-unique-nickname said L Lemons You're all a bunch of lemons
L Lists As in “we love lists here at RHP”
@divegeester said 1238
Shopping list. 1. Lemons 2.
L Laser As in “that post was made with laser beam focus”
L Latitude As in “the judge gave the prosecutor some latitude in his questioning”
L Longitude Nothing to do with “latitude” as described above.
M Manufactured As in “there was still manufactured outrage several years later”
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