Originally posted by royalchickenheh heh, yup. we sprayed my head with particularly flammable squirty girly deodorant, and lit it.
Also, ouermyhte, there's clearly a story there.
k that was a crap story, bt i have better ones;
i once put gunpowder in my friend's rolling tobacco (golden v, coincidentally). that was certainly a larf. when he found out (his rollie kept fizzing 😀) he demanded to see the packet, so i gave him the powder, wrapped in clingfilm (safety concious to a t) and he put it on the ground and proceeded to attack it with a lighter.
it wdnt light, so the sensible young man puts his face rite up to it to see wots going wrong.
Destiny has immaculate comic timing, and a column of fire whooshed straight up the side of mike's face. o my, that was a giggle 😀
o yeh, my head in the drumming pic isnt covered in a horrific burn, tis my hair bleached (in preparation for dying it blue) and tied back