Originally posted by wibI've reviewed the images. These are not the same person. Crowly is in full color, where Shavixmer is clearly black and white.
Hmmm you're right. They do look very much alike. I demand that someone other than I get to the bottom of this!
They should get together and start a club called 'Guys that look just like me'.
Originally posted by xsNo, you're right, I had a look at the originals and they are a lot lighter. Then I remembered that I adjusted them because they were too light. I presumed you scanned them in? Some scanners tend to add lower contrast and raise brightness. Photos can take high brightness and be okay because they are front-lit, computer screens are back-lit and so tend to mist up images with a high brightness.
My problem could be Iexplorer, but the two you posted for me look much darker than the originals.
I can put them back the way they are, but I think they are easier on the eye and you can make out more detail this way.
Let me know either way ๐