Originally posted by thecheat2Alright! I've immortalized it. Take that robomod!!!! Lousy tin can.
Hey Lamar get ready for my famous line. FUCK YOU!
BTW, ghettos are only a positional good, because the instill relative coolness. They actuyally suck to live in from a sociological point of view.
Originally posted by Freddie2004it's where the Bruce Willis character and his ex-boss Marcellus Wallace get trapped in the shop by the hillbillies and they're taken down to the basement. one of the hillbillies, a cop called Zed, tells the other one to 'bring out the gimp'. the gimp is this guy they keep in a cell underneath the floor. he's dressed in pvc or rubber black all over including his whole head - real s&m type stuff, and he has a collar around his neck attached to a leash
i may or may NOT have missed that bit of the film...
Originally posted by dfm65My uncles mate had a Gimp mask...very uncool.
it's where the Bruce Willis character and his ex-boss Marcellus Wallace get trapped in the shop by the hillbillies and they're taken down to the basement. one of the hillbillies, a cop called Zed, tells the other one to 'bring out the gimp'. the gimp is this guy they keep in a cell underneath the floor. he's dressed in pvc or rubber black all over including his whole head - real s&m type stuff, and he has a collar around his neck attached to a leash
Originally posted by thecheat2BTW, I got modded for spelling a swear word wrong. I'm sorry, I should have spelled it right. But no matter, robomod has it all wrapped up. BTW, I hate having swear words modded. 13-year olds have a less oppressed vocabulatry than I do. Crikey!!!!
damn you. You took away my post. Oh well.