Originally posted by thaughbaerIs that you, my man, you wish! While you have been away crusading Kegge and Andy
Oh nuts is that me ? Am I too late ?
Pandy (more handy than Mr tickle at feeling bums) have been trying to get the forum
to shave their heads, join the skeety death cult and ping a triangle to the sound of ding
dong the Very Rusty is dead. She will stop at nothing to wear those ruby red slippers,
as Kalsos promenades up and down in them!
Originally posted by skeeterLol, there once was a spider, lets call him incy wincy spider, perturbed by the constant
A year ago, some public abbots ignore pommy and local rules, taking refugees away in antique wagons. A legal bailiff noticed the under-suppliers sent the goods COD - John's spewing about that.
deluge due to the warmest ocean temperatures on record, deforestation and other
instances caused by faceless third party's, he would be washed down his drain pipe
again and again, fed up, he cut off all his legs in protest.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI nominate robbie.Look at this post for example. And this is the edited version!
i disagree , i like Dasa, but RJH is intolerable. He kicked me from his buddy list just
because i professed something different and every one of his moves in our chess
games were stockfishes number one choice, bar none, he might be a spiritual idiot but
he's a chess genius, just saying.