@the-gravedigger saidHey you’re up to 4 … (as Relentless Red called them) … “forum thumbs of retribution” since calling out Ghost of a Duke.
You are correct Suzianne.
Much easier to just tow the party line.
@the-gravedigger saidOpposite of anyone who is always causing trouble and negative most of the time. You know who they are. Some are posting now. And they don't contribute to this site in any way. I'm sure you don't need me to define it for you.
Who do you consider 'normal' on here?
@divegeester saidI said enough. My point was made. Look inward and you will find your answers.
Have you got just ONE example of me being this example?
@divegeester saidYou just made her point for her. You are so out of her league. Quit while you're behind.
Have you got just ONE example of me being this example?
@the-gravedigger saidt-g why would you ask....Not cool!
Fancy a game?
You want an easy game play me a ladder game. 🙂
@very-rusty saidVespin has nothing to lose. I’ve just played him; lost one point and learned a few tips.
t-g why would you ask....Not cool!
You want an easy game play me a ladder game. 🙂
@very-rusty saidI don't think Vespin or yourself would be easy games.
t-g why would you ask....Not cool!
You want an easy game play me a ladder game. 🙂
Not sure how the ladder game system works but send me a normal challenge if you want.
Or PM me about how the ladder thing works.