@pettytalk saidCheapskate.😡
I have given away everything I own to the poor, and now I have no money. However, when I receive my treasure in heaven I'll subscribe. Additionally, I will cover the subscription cost for all my club members, regardless of whether they deserve it or not.
Disclaimer: This offer is only valid for current club members as of the time this post was made. That is the timestamp of this post.
@torunn saidtorunn,
Rusty leaving would feel as when Grampy Bobby left. I didn't always agree with him, never had a dispute with him as I recall but he made a difference.
What a nice compliment to be compared to Grampy Bobby, there were very few who could keep up with him verbally, he was miles ahead of me there. 🙂
@very-rusty saidKC and the Sunshine Band:
What a nice compliment to be compared to Grampy Bobby, there were very few who could keep up with him verbally, he was miles ahead of me there. 🙂
'Please Do Go.' 😉 😛
@drewnogal saidMy dear I am only in (1 Clan ) I only play in a few of the clubs, but do enjoy those very much!
He likes his tournaments & clans more than his principles I think.
He’s in 20 clubs and clans 😮
@very-rusty saidthen stick with it rusty,If I thought certain people on here are desperate to get me banned I would Sub up.
My dear I am only in (1 Clan ) I only play in a few of the clubs, but do enjoy those very much!
@david-burton saidSir, that is some good advice, but do you plan on getting a sub yourself?
then stick with it rusty,If I thought certain people on here are desperate to get me banned I would Sub up.
@david-burton saidRuss’ rule is about banned returning users not about “multiple accounts” per-se.
have you had multible accounts ?
You really should try to hold less of a grudge about your car-crash banning last time and just move on. You’re a big boy with lots of life experiences, you don’t need to keep playing the victim card as some are doing here.
@david-burton saidIf Russ chooses to ban me because I used a different account for a few weeks about 14 years ago then I will accept that and never return, even though I was never banned back then and no account was deleted.
have you had multible accounts ?
Your case is different: you are a returning banned user, and Russ relatively recently ruled that returning banned users will be deleted. If he decides to not delete your latest screen name, then so be it.
The post that was quoted here has been removedIf anyone comes to an Internet forum board looking to post and gain popularity they are misguided and will probably end up compromising on their posting principles. This is what happens here in this forum a lot, Ghost of a Duke’s slide from being an erudite poster of high quality 6 years ago, to the unprincipled club leader he now is, is a classic example of this phenomena.
I don’t come here to be popular and I couldn’t give a rats bottom what people here think of me. Therefore I say what I like and can stick to my principles without fear of becoming unpopular.