Originally posted by Bosse de NageTell him that it's just our Asian friend Darvley, and that she's not here to harm him.
I can read it fairly well, and since some invisible agency is converting our speech into writing continuously, I can probably help out.
Uncle Albert wants to know who the call girl is.
Dreadfully sorry, but I seemed to have run over a cat, and at the time is seemed the decent thing to do would be to run in here and ask "does anyone own a tire-shaped tabby?" or something of that nature, and, well, here we are...oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? Should I make some tea?
Why is everyone holding hands? Is this some sort of social assistance meeting? I say...
Prof. Needlebottoms!? I dare say Albert, you're looking dreadfully pale, seems that week in the Canary Islands hasn't done you a speck of good...care for some tea?