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Tell me something I don't know about you...

Tell me something I don't know about you...


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Originally posted by Nordlys
Careful, someone might want to put you on the wall if you do that.
That certain someone has allegedly outgrew that phase...I think I'll risk it.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
As a small child I had a bugger collection on the wall beside my bed.
Your own, right?

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My blood sugar's so high, I'm bleeding honey. 😞

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I have a strange and sudden urge to drink Ice's blood.

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Originally posted by rbmorris
Tell me something I don't know about you...

I'll start.

1.) I sleep with 4 pillows at night.
2.) I'm really enjoying the new Crest lemon flavored toothpaste.
I have very long straight black (natural color) hair. Charlotta😏

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Originally posted by Raven69
I have a strange and sudden urge to drink Ice's blood.
Well then lets toast to the Ice!!! Charlotte😀

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I keep my nails on my right hand longer than the ones on my left.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I keep my nails on my right hand longer than the ones on my left.

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
Playing classical guitar (or at least attempting).

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Playing classical guitar (or at least attempting).
Going to share some with us?

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
Going to share some with us?
I did that in the music competition. After Nordlys beat me by playing (or beating) every damn spoon, pan, glass, and kitchen appliance in the cubbord, I swore off of sharing my limited talent.

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
Going to share some with us?
This is what I played.


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Originally posted by kirksey957
I did that in the music competition. After Nordlys beat me by playing (or beating) every damn spoon, pan, glass, and kitchen appliance in the cubbord, I swore off of sharing my limited talent.
No matter how good you are there is always somebody better.

Unless, of course, you're Tiger Woods....

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I eat food cold straight out of the fridge. In fact, I prefer my food cold and would eat if frozen if I could chew it. It appalls my family and the cooks in my family take it personally if I eat the food they prepare cold......therefore, I sneak a bite when they are not looking without heating up the left overs. 😉

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Originally posted by casualdust
I have very long straight black (natural color) hair. Charlotta😏
I have very long curly black (natural color) hair. M 😏

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