ahhh dustin dont leave.
why should you care if people are accusing you of cheating?
if they think you are cheating then consider it a compliment.
if theyre accusing you of being someone else then why worry? they dont know you, they dont know trackhead. like so many have said - play your chess and forget about the *. theyre just upset cause youre better than them.
Thanks Penejdo, i apprecaite the kind words, i do believe im going to stay, im just not going to care what others accuse or say about me, waste of my youthful days as an adult! lol And i think we should play again sometime, i think you killed me the past couple times, to many games and not paying attention, i would like a chance to make ammense and give you a good game, if your up to it?
Dustin ...
You have made some mistakes in the past - so what, we all do - I didn't, don't and will never agree on your view of clans and especially your decision to take the cheating Trackhead back in your clan
I truly acknowledge that after my last thread asking for rating consistency, you have taken that point on board and managed to get your rating to where it belongs - along with the top boys here -
So congrats, I never doubted you could do it...
I can't speak for all of Metallica, but personally I'm 100% sure that you ain't using a second account - Let's just put logic to work, shall we ???
You're always top mover of the month so how possibly could you have a 2nd account (unless you can go without sleep and if you do let me know how :-)
And for all possible future accusations regarding Dustin I know that he doesn't use an engine
Why do I know that ???
Cause I currently beat him in one of our 6 games and with due respect to my chess skills, I could never beat a friggin engine in my life
So ... what does that leaves us with ???
I say, resign all your clan games against Metallica, don't give a **** what other say and carry on enjoying your life at RHP :-)
Originally posted by DustnrogersMy second Is Maria Laura, created (not me) for teaching my daugther in not rated games.
You do? whats your second account? And do you use engines to play all your games, or is that only when asked? you usually just use an engine for reference correct??? I dont mind that as most players do here!! I dont but, what can you do? Sorry for the questions, i just would like to know?
I have played some engine games unrated, playing shredder8, but i have more engines.
If i were using engines in my rated games i would sure have been top 3, and not losing a lot of my games and making a lot of mistakes lol. Only for reference My USCF rating is 2170 (http://www.64.com/uscf/ratings/?nm=12612592&r1=2100&r2=2200&q1=&q2=&st=FR&Find=Find)
And I drew once to a GM 🙂
That was when active like ten years ago.
Have you feel engine strengz in our games?
Just curious.