15 Jan 23
I'm starting to suspect that you seek social validation from me in particular.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThank you for reminding me, @Ghost-bluster.
I thought you weren't going to write disparaging remarks about another poster's relatives?
That didn't last long.
@mchill saidWhatever, you vapid ninny.
Could it be that those offending mockers are guided by some supernally wise perception that everyone else should become thick-skinned and less-sensitive primordial dullards?
No, it means those "offending mockers" as you call them, are people just like you who have every right to speak their mind on these forums - just like you. I don't agree with everyone here but do respect their right to express their views.
@fmf saidOh come on!
There have been dozens and dozens of them.
As you well know, there have been hundreds if not thousands of them.
Eventually they will be collected and published in an embossed leather-bound set with ribbons, marbled end-papers, and gilt edges, entitled something like "The Complete Apocryphal Forum Posts of Kevin Eleven."
-Removed-I'd like to circle back to this in support of other people who might be even more sensitive than me or who live in or grew up in much politer territories, and who might therefore never even dare to enter your toxic little mosh pit.
The implication seems to be that you look down on people who can't "take it in stride" or that they react or respond differently than you would, when other people (including you) are being rude or intentionally malicious -- because you (in your haplessly or proudly narcissistic way) have in your own mind established that you yourself have set the incontrovertible standard for how everyone else should live and react and respond.
Plus, Trev has on occasion mentioned that he has had physical trouble with his gait (only temporarily, one hopes), you inattentive, inconsiderate, self-inflamed orchid.