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The meaning behind your RHP name

The meaning behind your RHP name


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A Niven-Pournelle novel.

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I chose my name after many hours of deep reflection and ingenious artistic development. I am such an imaginitive, creative person that I just had to show it off a little with my username. Behold, the masterfully creative work of art: NCrosby

Nastasha CROSBY😀

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Originally posted by ncrosby
I chose my name after many hours of deep reflection and ingenious artistic development. I am such an imaginitive, creative person that I just had to show it off a little with my username. Behold, the masterfully creative work of art: NCrosby

Nastasha CROSBY😀
You beat me to the punch on that one...

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Exy = short for my surname, Exeter.

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Originally posted by Exy
Exy = short for my surname, Exeter.
The next town over... about 4 miles from where I am is Exeter.

I wish they had an 'Entering Exeter' sign...


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
The next town over... about 4 miles from where I am is Exeter.

I wish they had an 'Entering Exeter' sign...

You live in Devon P? I always thought you were in the US, or is there an Exeter over there?

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devon is cool i was just ther about 3 mths ago it was so nice i loved it and i liked dufften or what ever or south hampton or up north where the highlands are where elgin and foress and aberdeen

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urm freddie20044= my name is freddie, the 20044 was because the first site i subscribed to online already had a 2001 so i made it 20011 and now whenever i subscribe to something i always put 20033 or 20044 because i know that no one else will have it. but in writing this i just remembered that i asked russ to change it to 2004 because no one else did have it and i look up and its just been changed!!! yay...obvious reasoning behind that...thats the year i joined!


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I wrote a fantasy RPG and to go with it a story. The main bad guy in that story is Shavixmir...deposed King of sorts.

I used to call myself mark, but seeing there are roughly 1.459.001 other Mark's on the internet, I couldn't remember if I'd posted something or one of the other, the fake, mark's had.

I'm the only Shavixmir.

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My name is retarded and I wish I could have it changed.

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Originally posted by Starrman
You live in Devon P? I always thought you were in the US, or is there an Exeter over there?
I'm in 'New England'. This is a small town in the state of Rhode Island... USA... next to my home town. We share a lot of town names with you guys over there... as that is where we came from. We forgot to add 'New' infront of all of them.

Exeter is actually a very strange town, since it is long and slender. You need to leave town if you want to get to any of the other parts of town, as the roads just zip though for 6 miles or so going the short way.


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Having the surname of a town - actually Exeter in Devon, UK, is a city - has caused me no end of trouble when trying to book a taxi - they always assume that I want to go to Exeter?! 🙄

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Seems to be a lot of Europeans here, no?

I'm in Southern California myself yes where it is always sunny 🙂

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
Seems to be a lot of Europeans here, no?

I'm in Southern California myself yes where it is always sunny 🙂
Don't you ever dream of rain?

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"Awrightus". Derived from "Cletus Awreetus Awrightus", the funky emperor; a character (and a song title) from Frank Zappa's "Grand Wazoo" album.

Anybody else here old enough to be a Zappa fan?

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