Originally posted by PhlabibitIt's true. We don't handle the rainy roads well. We drive fast all of the time in all weather. And I think by far, So Californians (I'm not one btw, I'm from San Francisco) are the worst drivers on the planet! We use our horns as a battle cry.
More like nightmares... when it rains they slide all over the road like they were on ice. The rain and existing oils on the road make it very hard to keep on the road, plus they expect the best road conditions at all times.
Looks like there are a lot of people that have put some thought into their names.
I just really couldn't think of anything but I had heard the theme tune to the Danger Mouse cartoon earlier in the day and in a nostalic moment picked that name.
If I had known I was going to subscribe and still be playing regularly on the site six months later I would have probably have taken time to have thought of something better.
Originally posted by daharvesterI figured, since you were from the UK, that it was a description of your father's job or referring to your role as a father. Everytime I see the word 'da', I think of Tiny Tim Cratchett or an Oliver Twist character in some bleak British industrial town whining, "Da, can I 'ave some puddin'. Please Da, can I 'ave some more? Da! Da! Please Da! Don't hit me!" Isn't that more what "street" is like in Liverpool?
Mine is job related, but I'm not a farmer. And I like hip-hop, hence the "da". Instead of "the" obviously. How street of me.
My name I've been using for at least 10 years online. In a psych class we were asked, "if you were an animal which would you be and why". I never really took class seriously, however, I actually really thought about this one. I chose the wolf because I have always viewed my self as stong willed, and smart enough to live on my own " the lone wolf" and love family and value friendship "pack of wolves".
We'll anyway . . . It was work and school by day and wolfbynyte.
(Nyte because night was taken on AOL back in 1994)
Originally posted by StarrmanPapaNikala- papa in my country means gradpa.Nikala near to my real name.othervise there was a famous painter Niko Pirosmanashvili(Pirosmani) and he was called NikalaPapa after his death.he was a grait painter but in times when he was alive people didn`t know him.he was liveing under the stairs.after his death people saw his paintings and sad that he is a grate painter.thats all about my nickname.
Starrman as that's what I am 🙂 Surname is Capper-Starr. Friend of mine came up with it whilst singing along to David Bowie once:
'Capper-Starrman waiting in the sky, he'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'll blow our minds etc....'
Well, I've never thought about the origins of mine that much, it's just one of my nicknames that evolved. It's based on my surname I guess, and it was first used by a friend who used to add the suffix "alize" to just about anything with little excuse, 🙂.
For example, if he played a combination, he wouldn't use the rather stuffy sounding "combine", as in "Oh, I combined rather nicely in round two Sebastian". Rather, he'd say"I combalized and he was totally shagged". Hmmmm, actually he'd probably more likely have said "I shaggalized him with a combination in round two", but I feel a grammatical digression coming on.
In anycase, someone who vandalised would be a "vandalizer" and not a"vandal" in Ash's lexicon. The American Z being preferred to the more English S. How utterly fascinating. Sadly, Ash died an utterly fascinating death several years back, that made the news and everything. Of course, none of you morbid sods are interested in that, so we'll leave it there then, 😛.