31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidAnd a bit squishy!
I like to think of him as a courgette.
Sounds a little more sporty.
@very-rusty saidI wish I could respond but I have given you up until the turd of April.
That is debatable on who actually won that one in my opinion.
I believe Robbie just got bored as FMF has a habit of repeating himself over and over.
@the-gravedigger saidThank you for that background info. I think I had the misfortune of starting a clan* and posting snark** in the Clan Forum right after Robbie C got the boot, so there were some who might have thought I was Robbie Revenant or some other banned member in disguise.
The greatest battle ever fought on this forum was the one between FMF and robbie a few years ago.
robbie made the mistake of accusing FMF of something ludicrous and FMF rightly responded in the way only FMF can. robbie tried to defend his position but it was like trying to stop a tank with a pea shooter. The robbie finally scurried off, vanquished. Total respect for FMF for keeping his cool under fire and destroying robbie for his disgraceful behaviour.
* I only started a clan to see how graphics were uploaded, to help @sundown316 with new pics for The Crawling Chaos.
** I'm not even enough of a sports person to know the right word or phrase. I just now remembered that in America we used to call it "talking smack".
31 Mar 21
@the-gravedigger saidLOL....t-g you just did by saying I have given you until the turd of April.....I think your foot has it all over it now from walking in it.
I wish I could respond but I have given you up until the turd of April.
31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidWho thought you were Robbie?
Thank you for that background info. I think I had the misfortune of starting a clan* and posting snark** in the Clan Forum right after Robbie C got the boot, so there were some who might have thought I was Robbie Revenant or some other banned member in disguise.
* I only started a clan to see how graphics were uploaded, to help @sundown316 with new pics for The C ...[text shortened]... the right word or phrase. I just now remembered that in America we used to call it "talking smack".
31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidYour own words:......in the Clan Forum right after Robbie C got the boot, so there were some who might have thought I was Robbie Revenant or some other banned member in disguise.
Why do you ask?
31 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidYes, I did write that, but why do you, VR, or the "VR Persona" or the "VR Chatbot" ask? I hope it's not to dredge up contretemps from the past for your own personal amusement, because that would be sad. At this point I think it would be fair to mention that I have been in touch with both Kevduit of ESO dance-video fame and Ramsey Campbell, plus I am descended from Percherons, so please keep all that in mind for your next compulsive reply. 😉
Your own words:......in the Clan Forum right after Robbie C got the boot, so there were some who might have thought I was Robbie Revenant or some other banned member in disguise.
31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidAgain........Who thought you were Robbie?
Yes, I did write that, but why do you, VR, or the "VR Persona" or the "VR Chatbot" ask? I hope it's not to dredge up contretemps from the past for your own personal amusement, because that would be sad. At this point I think it would be fair to mention that I have been in touch with both Kevduit of ESO dance-video fame and Ramsey Campbell, plus I am descended from Percherons, so please keep all that in mind for your next compulsive reply. 😉
Did someone say to you they thought you were Robbie or another old member?
If you'd sooner not say, that is your prerogative.
31 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidVR, I do like you but your insistence does make you look like a stirrer and a troublemaker.
Again........Who thought you were Robbie?
Did someone say to you they thought you were Robbie or another old member?
If you'd sooner not say, that is your prerogative.
31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidI don't think anyone said anything about you from being a reincarnation of anyone is all. You just don't feel comfortable answering the question, just say so. No need for calling me a troublemaker unless you want to look good for the little group of course. 🙂
VR, I do like you but your insistence does make you look like a stirrer and a troublemaker.
@very-rusty saidthat little group you keep talking about is 99% of those posting
I don't think anyone said anything about you from being a reincarnation of anyone is all. You just don't feel comfortable answering the question, just say so. No need for calling me a troublemaker unless you want to look good for the little group of course. 🙂
it's a big group buddy
lot of people think you are a bit off