@lonestranger saidTake it to the Spirituality Forum you returning user hater.
When a personal relationship with jesus collides? Ban it jesusI is mighty.
@lonestranger saidHow many of those "much better chess websites" were you banned from half a dozen times or more in 2022?
Much better chess websites are available without racists.
24 Jan 23
@lonestranger saidI've been to all of them. This one is the most fun.
Much better chess websites are available without racists.
@lonestranger saidMy boogers are alive ?!!
Hey racist christian idiot., where does a booger live?
@very-rusty saidI don't recommend looking at anything under a microscope.
Only if you put them under a microscope and look at them very closely. 🙂
Little bugs crawling around on everything.