@earl-of-trumps saidToo expensive.
Sorry. Supply your own Depends.
The bouncers can hose me off in the morning. 😒
@earl-of-trumps saidTake a strip of foil (thin) and place one end on the negative side of a battery and the other side on the positive side of a battery.
how's ya do this in the big house?
It lights up like a lighter. 😏
I learned more in prison than school.
The whole battery is a positive charge.
Except for the flat bottom.
So that metal cover on batteries that show the label is actually protection.
If you scratch away that metal or take it off it's all a positive charge except for the flat bottom.
Near the flat bottom you scratch away that cover. Just a little.
You take a thin foil strip and place it on the flat bottom and hold it there.
Once you touch the other end of that thin foil strip to the exposed side it lights up like a lighter but ya gotta be quick.
I can do a thin strip of foil battery light with one hand and light a smoke.
No different than you using a regular bic lighter.
😏 🚬
I also know how to make tattoo ink out of soot and I can make any kind of shank you want.
Metal, Plastic or Wood. 😏
Nothing to brag about of course but if the world goes crazy I would survive.
Homelessness and Prison teaches you a lot.
@earl-of-trumps saidStees will be in shortly and he will say that we don't have to worry about practicalities in our virtual tavern, so that's even better.
Ok, I'll be out on the sidewalk. after I have the tea.