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the village of redhotpawnia

the village of redhotpawnia


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Something about the threads makes me think of rhp as an actually town, a small village out in the country, with all of the forum posters as the townsfolk. I can just see everyone down at the pub discussing this thing that happened involving Mr. Ivanhoe.
Walking through the village, I see the townsfolk, all at their work, or at leisure.
Ah, there is Mr. Russ, the mayor of our little hamlet. And there is Kirksey, the town's protestant parson. And there is his cute little daughter, remore. Watch that one, she is smart as a whip and has an even sharper wit.
There is Shavi, the town's insomniac. Well, okay, he is only one of the town's insomniacs. He wonders the streets at night searching for chess pieces left out in the rain.
There in the town square, which, ironically enough, is laid out like a chess board, are the debaters, and they are truly masters at it: Bbarr, ravello, phlabbit, kellyjay, and many others. There is pradf. He appears to be trying to teach some of the debaters to sing, which only discourages pradf, and annoys the singers.....

pick up the gauntlet please, and continue to people redhotpawnia :-)

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......there's Rbhill inviting us to the church...............* me and rwingett walking away*

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Uh...OK, I'll try again. (crash!) Someone threw a rock through my window.

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Are you on heavy drugs?

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...And there are Knights of the Round Table on their ultimate Crusade...
...And there is Hotel California...

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No, they were fairly light and easily transportable. Anyway, they were prescribed medication to stop me going CRAZY!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!
Do u think they worked?

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the prexvious posts were masde by my firiensd gareth, a man of xconsidserable risdixculum. i gnore ye his blundserous pondserings, they are irrelevant

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I may be crazy, but at least I can spell,Marcus, you spongemonkey. I'm also Marcus, but I'm not schizophrenic. Why would anyone think that? Do I know, no, what about me? Nope, I don't Know. Well, neither do I. Me Neither. Mwoopmwoopmwoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!??!?!?!?!??!!!

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again, gareth

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OHHH NNNOOOO there is a monster in the village. He has consumed all the beer at the pub and smashed the pint mugs. He is torching the thatched roofs and mistreating little kittens. Someone should stop him, someone must stop the beast. The barbarian; some one should confront him; but fear is the door the villagers hide behind. I will turn the radio staion to my favorite channel and make everyone listen The meek will cower. I will cook french toast and leave the dishes for someone else. Skit, prittle, prance. Moonlight, deranged moonlight. Laugh at the image, howl at the mask. Caaaah Roohhhmm, cavishdent stoared. Mick jickens prink.

I am the master of mathematics, plants and tropical fish!

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I am the cretinous beast you speak of. Then again, you seem just as unstable and misguided as my bad self, so I point the accusatory finger at YOU!, you slobbering wretch (no offence meant). I call for a fair trial! Grrrrrrrrrr I will eat your house.

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Lol. Sarah I love the posts you make. 😀

And theres padfoot calling my dad Flanders (from one of the early threads). Poor thing. *pats padfoot on the head in sympathy* 😉

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...But Hotel California is overcrowded...

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ok, so it may be me us me definately gareth that broke the pint mugs, but i can be held responsible for our actions, hes crazy!

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