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The war with Iraq

The war with Iraq


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I was just wondering what everyone thought about this on Iraq war?

My thoughts are I think we are just over there for the oil and that our troops should have left a long time ago. But I dont know I just think there are to many troops getting killed everyday over in Iraq. And what about the war against Terror? I never here anymore about the war in Afganistan.

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Originally posted by wfdfiredude8
I was just wondering what everyone thought about this on Iraq war?

My thoughts are I think we are just over there for the oil and that our troops should have left a long time ago. But I dont know I just think there are to many troops getting killed everyday over in Iraq. And what about the war against Terror? I never here anymore about the war in Afganistan.
There was a report in a Sunday paper here in Melbourne two weeks ago, saying the Clinton administration warned Bush's administration about the danger of al Qeada. However Bush was more concerned about Iraq.

Point is Bush wanted to invade Iraq long before he did so, as soon as he was named predsident he set about finding an excuse to invade.

'The War on Terror' is a war defined by Bush to suit hhis purspose of fininshing what daddy was not able to do, bringing oil money to the states, and bending to the southern christian right.

So far it looks like he has done three for three. Not bad for someone of his intelligience.

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I feel the same way you do bud. He is just after the oil. I could be wrong but he is just finishing what his daddy started. I know hes not getting my Vote next election.

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Originally posted by wfdfiredude8
I feel the same way you do bud. He is just after the oil. I could be wrong but he is just finishing what his daddy started. I know hes not getting my Vote next election.
He did not get the majority of votes last time either.

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In my opion the electoral College is a joke. I think we should be able to vote for president for ourself not to vote for someone else to vote for use. It is all screwed up. But that is what the US has desided to do and I dont understand it. Like the fl problem with the votes. It was up to the Electoral College to that problem

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Originally posted by trekkie
There was a report in a Sunday paper here in Melbourne two weeks ago, saying the Clinton administration warned Bush's administration about the danger of al Qeada. However Bush was more concerned about Iraq.

Point is Bush wanted to invade Iraq long before he did so, as soon as he was named predsident he set about finding an excuse to invade.

'The War ...[text shortened]...

So far it looks like he has done three for three. Not bad for someone of his intelligience.
Why do you blame the Southern Christian Right?...by the way, who are the Southern Christian Right?...I've never heard of them and I'm a Southerner. Why don't you say who you really mean: Christians! You left-wing people do nothing but bash Christians and Christianity on these forums. Not once have any of you mentioned the evils of bin-Laden(bin-shitforbrains) or the tyrannical-maniacal-diabolical misdeeds of saddam hussein(Hitler's twin). Or, is it politically unacceptable to bad-mouth Muslims and the carnage that they leave in their wake...ie: Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Jamal-Islamiya...9-11, the bombing in Malaysia...oh, I forgot...those were Christians masquerading as militant muslims...go figure!! 🙄

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
Why do you blame the Southern Christian Right?...by the way, who are the Southern Christian Right?...I've never heard of them and I'm a Southerner. Why don't you say who you really mean: Christians! You left-wing people do noth ...[text shortened]... were Christians masquerading as militant muslims...go figure!! 🙄
Please provide evidence for your claim that Hitler, and Austrian, and Hussein, an Arab, are twins.

One born in 1889 and the other in 1937. If they were twins, it would mean their mother was in labor for around 48 years!

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IM not blaming the Christians. I AM a christian. I am also from the south. I just dont see why we are over there. I just think it is BS. We should have been done over there along time ago

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Originally posted by wfdfiredude8
IM not blaming the Christians. I AM a christian. I am also from the south. I just dont see why we are over there. I just think it is BS. We should have been done over there along time ago
Tomorrow, when you come to my room to play chess, we will educate you on why we are over there.

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Originally posted by wfdfiredude8
IM not blaming the Christians. I AM a christian. I am also from the south. I just dont see why we are over there. I just think it is BS. We should have been done over there along time ago
My post was aimed at Trekkie, not you. I don't neccessarily agree with our invading in the first place, but since we are there, we can't abandon the Iraqi people now. Anyway, 2/3 of the people there want us to stay and finish the job. If we left now, we would create a vacuum that would be filled by a worse entity that Hitler's TWIN Saddam. Imagine if Hitler (the other twin) was stopped in 1937 instead of 1945; it would mean the difference of 40,000,000 lives.

Royal Chicken, evil can manifest itself in any shape, form or fashion....and at different time frames whether in nanoseconds or millenia..or, since there is no God in your opinion, is there no such thing as evil?...let me see, Saddam was bi-polar, so this explains his bad manners...bin-Laden has a heel spur...🙄

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
My post was aimed at Trekkie, not you. I don't neccessarily agree with our invading in the first place, but since we are there, we can't abandon the Iraqi people now. Anyway, 2/3 of the people there want us to stay and finish the job. If we left now, we would create a vacuum that would be filled by a worse entity that Hitler's TWIN Saddam. Imag ...[text shortened]... t me see, Saddam was bi-polar, so this explains his bad manners...bin-Laden has a heel spur...🙄
Ok I didnt know. I just feel like it is a bad situation. Where ur Derned if you do or Derned if you dont. So I dont know to think

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
My post was aimed at Trekkie, not you. I don't neccessarily agree with our invading in the first place, but since we are there, we can't abandon the Iraqi people now. Anyway, 2/3 of the people there want us to stay and finish the job. If we left now, we would create a vacuum that would be filled by a worse entity that Hitler's TWIN Saddam. Imag ...[text shortened]... t me see, Saddam was bi-polar, so this explains his bad manners...bin-Laden has a heel spur...🙄
I was being facetious. And while I do think there are objective moral truths, I don't believe eithr of us knows any of them well enough to be articulate on the subject.

What difference does it make whether Hussein did what he did because he was evil or had bipolar disorder?

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Originally posted by royalchicken
I was being facetious. And while I do think there are objective moral truths, I don't believe eithr of us knows any of them well enough to be articulate on the subject.

What difference does it make whether Hussein did what he did because he was evil or had bipolar disorder?
Not much in terms of destruction. On the other hand, we may be able shed a tear of sympathy and understanding if "voices in the head" controlled his actions...instead of shooting him, we could turn him over to the Kurds. 😵

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I think Hussain knew what he was doing. It is kind of like Korea. If we ever have to fight them we are screwed. I think IM not sure but I think so

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i know alot of you dont agree with the us being over there, but its too late to turn back. i dont think this war was personal with bush. after 9/11 something had to be done. as for if we are still over in afganistan, we are i assure you. its just not getting the media it was when we first went. right now in iraq, the army is over there for clean up purposes. this is wrong and they are in the process of changin it. the marines are going to replace them in the next couple of months...which means i might be leaving the site for a year or so...but i am not upset with bush for the events that unfolded. will i vote for him again? probably not but i think he is doing the best job he can for the circumstances provided.

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