@divegeesterYou need something a whole lot stronger than tea cake.
Tea cake anyone?
A whole lot of pity!
- Which of us should thumb down divegeester first?
- You go first and I’ll do it after you
- Does it matter which of us goes first?
- It does to me!
- Why?
- Because I like to do the second or third thumb
- Were you an only child or something?!
- [pouts]
- Ok, I’ll go first
- Ghost, when will you go?
- I’ll just watch, I like it better that way...
@neilarini saidYou seem upset Neil, is your day not going quite as planned?
You need something a whole lot stronger than tea cake.
A whole lot of pity!
@neilarini saidFortytwo-thirtynine-fiftysix
A whole lot of pity!
You could say she's got it all...
Oh wait a minute, that was Rosie. my bad.
@dood111 saidWhatever happened to these...?
Blobby...Darvlay....Ironman31.....B52EWO......Sam The Sham.....
Well they are all banned users except for @Darvlay who left the site in a bit of a hissy-fit over some rather poor forum moderation, and whom I have on very good authority has since transgendered in order to become a lesbian.
Edit: and whatever happened to the user profile you used to be?
@divegeester saidThank you for bringing the thread back on Topic.
That guy was quite balanced in his win/lose ratio.
22 Oct 20
@ponderable saidI think it's hard to keep that balance the more games one plays.
Thank you for bringing the thread back on Topic.
That guy was quite balanced in his win/lose ratio.
22 Oct 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidIf want to compare your antics to a freak show please go ahead.
Every carnival needs a bearded lady.
@ponderable saidI’m doing my best but the Ghost hounds keep getting loose and once they get a sniff of Very Foxy things can become a bit of a three-ringed-circus.
Thank you for bringing the thread back on Topic.
That guy was quite balanced in his win/lose ratio.
22 Oct 20
@ponderable saidThere are lots of returned users here, and I’m pleased because it shows the value of the site to draw people back despite perhaps wanting a new identity. It’s fun toying with them over it though.
@Blobby has been banned a long time ago (5710 days, more than 15 years!) , I wonder how you come to know About that Person.