@drewnogal saidAt the risk of divulging too much information, I do NOT use them on my bum.
Moist bum wipes
@drewnogal saidbin and not flush
You strike me as the kind of guy who’d bin and not flush?
Are you alluding to using a wastebasket and then turning down an enema?
@drewnogal saidHe's in Asia, I assume he has a bum gun and doesn't use that much paper... it's also possible that the system isn't designed for paper and he has to use a bin.
You strike me as the kind of guy who’d bin and not flush?
@great-big-stees saidSome people bring their cell phones to restaurant tables.
Availability 24/7/365.😡 Some people, not me, bring cell phones on holiday. Just let those, who need to know (not work), how you can be contacted.