10 Feb 16
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA: There have been several, some of which I put into the back of my own net.
A: Like all "new" devices they are meant to be replaced a lot sooner than in days of yore.
Q: Have you attained your goal in life?
Q: If I say "Work is a four letter word", how does it resonate with you, if at all?
Originally posted by FMFA: Yes, because my friends are of the age when their parents, or they themselves, are reaching that stage of their lives and I want to make sure I go the visitation, when possible, and pay my respects.
A: Those who don't know can Google it. 😀
Q: Why are some people drawn to reading obituaries? And are you?
Q: Have you ever said the eulogy at a funeral?
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA. I was the eugoogalizer at my friend Derek's funeral.
A: Yes, because my friends are of the age when their parents, or they themselves, are reaching that stage of their lives and I want to make sure I go the visitation, when possible, and pay my respects.
Q: Have you ever said the eulogy at a funeral?
Q. Is there more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking?
11 Feb 16
Originally posted by Rank outsiderA: Gosh I have so many other irons in the fire; where does one start?
Q. Is there more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking?
Q: Do you ever tire of colleagues hoping that you'll fail because you are the future and there's nothing scarier than that?
Originally posted by FMFA. No.
A: Gosh I have so many other irons in the fire; where does one start?
Q: Do you ever tire of colleagues hoping that you'll fail because you are the future and there's nothing scarier than that?
Q. Why are some people so unhappy that they attempt to disguise it with personal attacks
for the purpose of attempting to cause unhappiness for others?
14 Feb 16
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyA: You could - and probably should - ask yourself this question and reflect a little.
Q. Why are some people so unhappy that they attempt to disguise it with personal attacks for the purpose of attempting to cause unhappiness for others?
Q: Will there come a day when there are no longer any printed newspapers as we know them now?
Originally posted by FMFA: Definitely, and sooner rather than later.
A: You could - and probably should - ask yourself this question and reflect a little.
Q: Will there come a day when there are no longer any printed newspapers as we know them now?
Q. Do you remember when telephone systems had operators and everyone knew they eavesdropped?
Originally posted by KewpieA: My parents worked as telephone operators for a time after they migrated to the UK from Ireland. They presumably said nothing when they were eavesdropping, but when they did speak, they tried to disguise their accents ~ something no longer 'necessary' in contemporary Britain, I think.
A: Definitely, and sooner rather than later.
Q. Do you remember when telephone systems had operators and everyone knew they eavesdropped?
Q: To what extent is it true to say 'If you've got nothing to hide, then you've got nothing to fear' in this era of eavesdropping far more extensive and pervasive than any era that came before?
Originally posted by FMFA: I think that's a question too complex to be answered here.
A: My parents worked as telephone operators for a time after they migrated to the UK from Ireland. They presumably said nothing when they were eavesdropping, but when they did speak, they tried to disguise their accents ~ something no longer 'necessary' in contemporary Britain, I think.
Q: To what extent is it true to say 'If you've got nothing to hide, then ...[text shortened]... ar' in this era of eavesdropping far more extensive and pervasive than any era that came before?
Q. Why did you (FMF) enclose the word 'necessary' in quotation marks?
14 Feb 16
Originally posted by NoEarthlyReasonA: Because I don't think disguising one's accent was - or should have ever been - necessary.
A: I think that's a question too complex to be answered here.
Q. Why did you (FMF) enclose the word 'necessary' in quotation marks?
Q: How many complex questions do you postpone answering every day? 😛
Originally posted by FMFA. I don't keep count, but just because I don't think a question is worth answering here doesn't mean I'm not thinking about the answer to it much of the time already.
A: Because I don't think disguising one's accent was - or should have ever been - necessary.
Q: How many complex questions do you postpone answering every day? 😛
Q. Of the non-English sounds in world languages, which do you find most pleasing and why?
14 Feb 16
Originally posted by NoEarthlyReasonWe can talk it over when I arrive on the 14.30 train. Will you pick me up or should I take a taxi?
A. I don't keep count, but just because I don't think a question is worth answering here doesn't mean I'm not thinking about the answer to it much of the time already.