@fmf saidNot your finest hour.
A better idea would be to spend this thread talking about @Grampy-Bobby
@very-rusty saidNot when the fight becomes the thread.
So you feel a good fight makes for a good thread???
I don't know how many would agree with you.
Some people pick fights to silence what the thread was about in the first place.
@the-gravedigger said"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Some posters are afraid to meet their inner selves.
@divegeester saidThreads that drift because of thread drift are, more often than not, what this community is all about.
In this thread about thread drift you MUST stay on topic.
@suzianne saidCrossing swords with @grampy-bobby was fun enough. There was more fun to be had with robbie carrobie, though.
Not your finest hour.