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Tiger Woods' Apology

Tiger Woods' Apology



30 Sep 08
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Very Rusty
Hey, Wake Up!!

Adultry happens everyday in all walks of life!

Clinton was actually one of the better Presidents in my opinion! Kennedy was quite possibly better. Their straying from the marriage bed didn't make them bad Presidents!

Hillary lost because people didn't want Hillary! Nothing to do with Bill!
Everything to do with Clinton and his dalliances. Why would any voter in their right minds want that bozo runninf amuck in the WH while Hillary had her hands full with duties of the job of prez! I will say for Clinton. That's one energetic dude, multitasking SOB. I still can't get over the testimony regarding getting BJ while on phone with foreign dignitaries.

Adultery happens every day indeed. So does murder. Let's just all look the other way. Why express disapproval since it is common behavior? That's where moral realtivism has landed us. Smack in the middle of everybody does it, happens all the time so why should we care. ow very far we have sunk indeed!

Grampy Bobby
Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
If you've been waiting for the official perspective of this whole ordeal, you've done yourself a favor by avoiding making up your mind until after reading this post. Congratulations on your self-control.

E.T. Woods built an empire... a kingdom, if you will. Although the kingdom was in existence prior to his arrival on the scene, its existence was in n ...[text shortened]... y one would do in the exact same scenario. He is a king, not a man. Judge him as such.
Exceptional clarity of thought, reasoning and presentation of a minority point of view.

Well beyond algebra, geometry, trig. We're in the presence of differential calculus +.


Very Rusty
Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Everything to do with Clinton and his dalliances. Why would any voter in their right minds want that bozo runninf amuck in the WH while Hillary had her hands full with duties of the job of prez! I will say for Clinton. That's one energetic dude, multitasking SOB. I still can't get over the testimony regarding getting BJ while on phone with foreign digni ...[text shortened]... rybody does it, happens all the time so why should we care. ow very far we have sunk indeed!
You compare adultry and Murder...Interesting outlook you have on life!


30 Sep 08
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Very Rusty
You compare adultry and Murder...Interesting outlook you have on life!
You misinterpret the meaning. The comparison is in the commonality, not the deed. Since you say adultery is so common as to be excused then murder, also common, should be excused by your logic. Never said they are equivalent crimes. My outlook is simply that common misbheavior is not be excused ebcause of its commoness!


15 Jun 06
21 Feb 10
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08 Sep 08
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by uzless
anyone that felt "hurt" or "lied to" because Tiger Woods banged a bunch of girls is on crack. Why he apologised to anyone is beyond me. The only one he had to apologise to is his kids. If you went out and bought a buick because you saw a commercial on tv with Tiger woods standing in front of it, then you're an idiot that deserves to be taken advantage of. ...[text shortened]... TV will show more of the other golfers instead of All tiger-All the time.

My sentiments exactly. When I heard that Woods was going to make a televised apology, I thought "who does this guy think he is?" Anyone who felt betrayed by Wood's infidelities other, than his wife, needs to get a life !! Wood's habit of screwing random blondes was well known amongst his fellow golfers and, one assumes, known by his sponsors. This was just a desperate and, in my opinion, misjudged attempt to re-establish himself as a saleable commodity.The tears, the hug with mummy...pre-staged and embarrasing. I had little regard for Woods before his affairs were made public, and I have less regard for him after this charade. I save my respect for people who are more than just sportsmen.


30 Sep 08
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by acb123
My sentiments exactly. When I heard that Woods was going to make a televised apology, I thought "who does this guy think he is?" Anyone who felt betrayed by Wood's infidelities other, than his wife, needs to get a life !! Wood's habit of screwing random blondes was well known amongst his fellow golfers and, one assumes, known by his sponsors. This was just a ...[text shortened]... d for him after this charade. I save my respect for people who are more than just sportsmen.
Well said and nuff said indeed! Thread needs to die the gentle death of failure to stir further interest!

Great Big Stees

14 Mar 04
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by acb123
My sentiments exactly. When I heard that Woods was going to make a televised apology, I thought "who does this guy think he is?" Anyone who felt betrayed by Wood's infidelities other, than his wife, needs to get a life !! Wood's habit of screwing random blondes was well known amongst his fellow golfers and, one assumes, known by his sponsors. This was just a ...[text shortened]... d for him after this charade. I save my respect for people who are more than just sportsmen.
Spot on. "Hey Tiger" here's $0.50 call someone who cares".

Very Rusty
Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
21 Feb 10
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Long Live TIGER WOODS!!!


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
21 Feb 10
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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Naive is 100 times better than blind cynicism and tacit approval of crappy behavior. The press who you so want out Tiger's life did not unzip his pants nor pull them down. Responsibility is squarely Tiger's not the press. According to you they should simply shut up? And you call me naive?
Naive is 100 times better than blind cynicism...
I'm really not sure how you could qualify that one, but you seem so certain of it, I guess I'll just take your word for it.

... tacit approval of crappy behavior.
Um, who herein approved his private actions?

The press who you so want out Tiger's life did not unzip his pants nor pull them down.
I see. So, if they had nothing to do with any of it, why are they involved with all of it? In other words, how is it the business of any one but the people involved, exactly? What if--- behind closed doors--- Tiger was masturbating (which, it appears, he never had occasion to)? Would such be newsworthy?

This is a simple case of misdirected and wholly fraudulent morality. Whatever occurred in private should have remained in private, but the media (especially ESPN) determined to teach him a lesson and mercilessly applied the leverage which became available to them through a momentary flash of weakness--- his wife's weakness, that is, not his.

Think about how this all unfolded: an'event' non-criminal in nature, during an early-morning time frame. Someone somewhere made the executive decision to pursue what they perceived to be a crack in the armor, their golden opportunity to take him down. Like jackals, they pounced.

Shameful opportunists who figured they had but one shot of power--- given how well Tiger had played his hand up to that point--- grabbed, grabbed, and grabbed some more. Like cats with a mouse, they only kept him alive to practice their 'skills.'


22 Oct 03
22 Feb 10
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Originally posted by acb123
My sentiments exactly. When I heard that Woods was going to make a televised apology, I thought "who does this guy think he is?" Anyone who felt betrayed by Wood's infidelities other, than his wife, needs to get a life !! Wood's habit of screwing random blondes was well known amongst his fellow golfers and, one assumes, known by his sponsors. This was just a ...[text shortened]... d for him after this charade. I save my respect for people who are more than just sportsmen.
If we cant look to Tiger Woods for moral guidance which leading sportsman should we looking to?

Very Rusty
Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
22 Feb 10
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Originally posted by shrew
If we cant look to Tiger Woods for moral guidance which leading sportsman should we looking to?
This might be a far fetched idea.

How about your Parents?

It is pretty sad if you have to look at people who play sports for your moral guidance.


17 Jan 06
22 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Very Rusty
This might be a far fetched idea.

How about your Parents?

It is pretty sad if you have to look at people who play sports for your moral guidance.
Not so much moral guidance as being inspired by the clean living, hard-working dude he originally seemed to be.

Some people have drunken, abusive, dysfunctional slobs for parents and might only have sports figures to look up to.

You really have to develop inner strength and confidence in yourself.

Very Rusty
Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
22 Feb 10
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Originally posted by homedepotov
Not so much moral guidance as being inspired by the clean living, hard-working dude he originally seemed to be.

Some people have drunken, abusive, dysfunctional slobs for parents and might only have sports figures to look up to.

You really have to develop inner strength and confidence in yourself.
You didn't have non-drinking Parents? Sorry to hear about your problems growing up.

OH how is everything going at homedepot?


08 Sep 08
22 Feb 10
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Originally posted by Very Rusty
This might be a far fetched idea.

How about your Parents?

It is pretty sad if you have to look at people who play sports for your moral guidance.
You have real trouble recognising irony, don't you.

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