Originally posted by Trev33join the club and then leave when the game is over?
They can join the club, play the game and then leave again.
What kind of ^&**@~~ are you talking about here?
Fair enough, promote the game
but don't invite people to join a
club and then leave again after
an event is over.
What sort of loyalty does that promote? None that's what.
I am surprised at you.
-Removed-"... you were promoting your club." -divegeester
"Verifying interest before the fact of a club's creation is well within Red Hot Pawn's Forum Outline. You yourself along with many others expressed interest at the time. July 23, 2013, we opened. The appropriateness of Trev's choice of venue for promoting a game in someone else's private club was questioned. He replied; I understood his rationale. -Bob"
Verifying interest in beginning a private club of which I too would be a member: No second party involved. Let's hope this answers your repetitive questions, because intrusion of another club on Trev's is both in poor taste and unfair.
Originally posted by johnnylongwoodyCom eon who is actually going to leave the club when they find out how awesome the game is?
join the club and then leave when the game is over?
What kind of ^&**@~~ are you talking about here?
Fair enough, promote the game
but don't invite people to join a
club and then leave again after
an event is over.
What sort of loyalty does that promote? None that's what.
I am surprised at you.
Originally posted by HandyAndyWhen I read the opening post, I figured it had been placed there to show the General Forum readers a way of making the General Forum more interesting than it currently is. Perhaps trev33 would like to moderate a Werewolf game here, with whatever rules he sees fit to incorporate............
Originally posted by KewpieInteresting idea, Kewpie. Question: Does the "Werewolf game" involve discussion or conversation? If yes, I'll be willing to give it a try. If not, perhaps Posers and Puzzles which provides a public site forum "For chess related, or off-topic, puzzles, riddles, games and other challenges..." would be the appropriate venue. Or post a thread in Site Ideas to determine interest.
When I read the opening post, I figured it had been placed there to show the General Forum readers a way of making the General Forum more interesting than it currently is. Perhaps trev33 would like to moderate a Werewolf game here, with whatever rules he sees fit to incorporate............
"The game is composed of three teams: Werewolves, Mafia, and Villagers. The objective of the Werewolves is to kill off all the Villagers and Mafia without themselves being killed. The objective of the Mafia is to kill off all the Villagers and Werewolves without themselves being killed. The objective of the Villagers is to figure out who the Werewolves and Mafia are and kill them. There is also the Moderator (LEUR), who is not part of any team, but serves as a sort of impartial dictator...." (OP) Would LEUR need to be present periodically while the game is in progress?
It's not a puzzle game. I've played it in LEUR's club and in my own, it's a conversational game. People have discussions on who's a werewolf and try to form into defensive groups. It would make the General Forum a lot more active, because only players are allowed to post in the playing thread, so watchers create threads to discuss the game in progress. Moderator gets to make the rules, and the game plays out better if moderator doesn't impose him/herself on the action or interfere with the player discussions. Therefore moderator needs to be a self-disciplined person who is happy to sit back and watch and keep quiet. Moderator is the person who creates the game thread, that's why I was asking if trev33 wanted to moderate a game here.
Originally posted by KewpieLet's do it.
It's not a puzzle game. I've played it in LEUR's club and in my own, it's a conversational game. People have discussions on who's a werewolf and try to form into defensive groups. It would make the General Forum a lot more active, because only players are allowed to post in the playing thread, so watchers create threads to discuss the game in progress. Mo ...[text shortened]... n who creates the game thread, that's why I was asking if trev33 wanted to moderate a game here.