@david-burton saidThe life you northerners live…
I only watched to see if she had her dentures in.
@divegeester saidthis is why we have zero common ground,abba was who my nan listened to them and the carpenters. dull as dishwater,have you been to see the abba hologram tripe yet?
The life you northerners live…
@david-burton saidBecause you don’t like ABBA but still watched the Barlow/Agnetha program?
this is why we have zero common ground
@divegeester said20 seconds & that was 21 seconds to long.I had to have 10 pints of Necy Brown to get over the trauma,Old Bag and past it boy band warrbler in a duet,jesus giz a break.cant stand Fake That, also a bag of dung.
Because you don’t like ABBA but still watched the Barlow/Agnetha program?
@david-burton saidWell at least you were curious enough to tune in; that shows something.
20 seconds & that was 21 seconds to long.
@david-burton saidOld Bag and past it boy band warrbler in a duet,jesus giz a break.cant stand Fake That, also a bag of dung.It does make one wonder why you tuned in at all let alone gave it 20 seconds of airtime. I suspect you’re more engaged with Agnatha than you care to let on, you cheeky badger!
@divegeester saidsad little divegeester.
It does make one wonder why you tuned in at all let alone gave it 20 seconds of airtime. I suspect you’re more engaged with Agnatha than you care to let on, you cheeky badger!
@david-burton saidNo, I like ABBA. It's a nice change from all the other stuff I listen to.
sarcasm I hope?
I can have my pop moments. Hell, I liked the Thriller album, too.
@david-burton saidAww come on buddy; let’s talk about some music you and I both like?
sad little divegeester.