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WELCOME to The General Forum 🥰



@drewnogal said
The company I keep? Have you been sniffing round my profile Rusty? 🐾 🐾
I wanted to see what company you keep, which tells me a lot about why you try to protect the TWINS!!! 🙂

Have A Great Day! Do yourself a favor and find better company, just a suggestion. 🙂




No doubt the same basis for you calling people paranoid or deluded.




Cough cough, "paranoid" and "deluded."


What we are talking about is the hot air you been blowing for some years here. 🙂

Have A Great Day!



Sorry to hear about your mental health condition. I will try and be more kind to you if I can. 🙂



The truth is not a weapon, as much as you try to argue that.

1 edit

@suzianne said
How in the entire world does this matter now?
It matters enough to you to suddemly bring up his name and make a claim about something he said.


@ghost-of-a-duke said
Cough cough, "paranoid" and "deluded."
They are everyday English words for which you are unable to suggest synonyms. The same can't be said for the term "narcissistic personality order".


@suzianne said
Really? This wasn't the narrative a few hours ago. You were all about it being GOAD doing it. You were probably STILL trying to work me against him, when it was you who were in the wrong.
Executioner Brand was banned a couple of years ago. You have been trying to weaponize the things he said that got him banned ever since. Ghost of a Duke has only been doing it for the last few weeks.


@suzianne said
They're not afflicted by mental health issues, and I'm not angling to take advantage of that. That's the difference.
Who's been "angling to take advantage of anyone's mental health issues?


fmf, I was just wondering have you become so delusional that you believe you are king that you put a crown on your head? What you did with your avatar if that person is actually you. Just asking is all, you may need some help I am thinking?



@suzianne said
They're not afflicted by mental health issues, and I'm not angling to take advantage of that. That's the difference. Surprised you haven't caught on by now.
Executioner Brand was banned for propagating malignant Islamophobic, racist, misogynistic, and homophobic opinions. His 25+subsequent screen names, which he sometimes used to repeat his vile opinions, have been deleted because he is a returning banned user. It is you who is trying to turn whatever mental health issues he may have had into trolling material.

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